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TES9 Session 501 September 17, 1969 5/110 (5%) Adam bridge Tam rfb Eve
– The Early Sessions: Book 9 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 501 September 17, 1969 9:25 PM Wednesday

[... 28 paragraphs ...]

A certain portion of Adam was: the version was... you had a body consciousness of a protective nature, but this was only one portion of an entire personality who has yet to appear. Now there is a reason for the bridge framework. The bridge framework takes exercise, understanding, and knowledge on both of your parts, therefore there would be no communication of a strong valid nature until your personality is able to maintain it, for the bridge will not be strong enough to hold. Otherwise there would be too many implications and personality difficulties that could arise.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

To a large extent, as he is now he has arisen out of you. Now he can indeed disappear back into you at this point, and with little care on your part. He would not disappear as an inner awareness. He would exist within your psyche as a small but definite organization of characteristics that would continue within themselves to retain a sense of identity. He would also for continue his protective devices for your own physical body. You would not overly miss him if he did this at this time.

[... 30 paragraphs ...]

I have several suggestions as always. Our new bride here is not so worried about psychic phenomena. She is only worried about Adam. This will pass in time. She needs a part to play: something in which you can participate, and develop yourself (directly to Eve). You would do well to try experiments in the out-of-body state. You have your own abilities to develop. You do not have to be an Eve to Adam.

You can also find many connections between psychic activity and color and painting in which you are interested. Now I will tell you, you have never seen the colors of a rainbow unless you have seen them from an out-of-body state. If you want to see the colors of a flower, or my dear friends, of an apple, you must get out of your body to do so. Now you do not need to feel that his psychic abilities close you out, or that you do not have your own: or that his abilities will draw him away from you, for they would only bring him closer. Your own abilities are here to be used also, and in your own unique fashion.

You have never seen what design is until you see a spider’s web when you are out of the body. You have never seen what design is until you see a spider’s web from the spider’s viewpoint. Now you can learn to do this. You can use your psychic abilities, to throw your consciousness into the spider. Your body is a very handy mechanism and I do not suggest that you step out of it too long. However, as the earth’s atmosphere hides the conditions in the universe from your scientists, so also do the conditions of the body blind you to true color and design. Now you can develop in this way.

[... 42 paragraphs ...]

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