1 result for (book:tes9 AND session:469 AND stemmed:brain)
[... 16 paragraphs ...]
Therefore you accept them for they make sense to the physical mechanism. The inner self has the knowledge behind these physical perceptions. The brain is responsible for these physical symbols. The mind has no need of them, but passes the information to the brain, who then interprets it.
[... 10 paragraphs ...]
Give us a moment. (Pause.) The brain is capable (underlined)of interpreting and transmitting far more inner information than it does. It is the ego’s idea of what is possible, the ego’s concept of reality, that determines in a large manner whether or not the brain will interpret any particular data.
Now some inner data cannot be perceived or translated by the brain, practically speaking, but as minds develop so the physical brain will develop, and in some individuals to a large extent this has occurred.
Changes in the physical structure of the species will always follow inner need, and the inner need is anticipated from the beginning of the seed. Therefore large portions of the brain, now unused, lie latent for these developments. So-called psychics put some of these portions to work. Otherwise information such as ours would not be received clearly enough to be understood.
[... 19 paragraphs ...]