1 result for (book:tes9 AND session:464 AND stemmed:light)
[... 21 paragraphs ...]
More energy is therefore available for the communications, and additional energy is always at your own disposal. Certain portions of the personality in your terms are able to climb up further, as on (the) steps of a ladder. Inner attunements are refined, and to some small degree you can look out through the small end of your own window, and glimpse the light at the other end.
There are such lights throughout the entire universe, but this one is at your own apex point, to which your consciousnesses are attuned. You can see but dimly but some vision is better than no vision at all. When you are no longer blind, all possibilities that belong to the sighted (pause), come at least within your grasp. You are learning inner sight.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
A light bulb in your terms cannot hold the light within itself, but when it receives the current then it must share its light with others. (Pause.) And it shines indiscriminately, and does not turn itself off for those who cannot read. It shines even upon the wood which has no eyes.
[... 9 paragraphs ...]