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TES9 Session 464 February 10, 1969 18/37 (49%) windows entity upright pyramid slitted
– The Early Sessions: Book 9 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 464 February 10, 1969 9:19 PM Monday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane did not feel much like having a session; she finally decided to hold one at 9 PM, and of course I left the decision up to her. She said she decided to have a session because sometimes when she didn’t feel well a great session resulted.

(A very interesting session developed tonight, also. Thinking Seth would speak as usual, I read to Jane another question that had come to mind as I typed up last session. The question wasn’t answered however so it will not be quoted here. Nor did Seth speak. His entity held the session instead.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(At 9:16 Jane said she was waiting to see what developed, that she was getting a hint of the pyramid feeling; which usually means that Seth’s entity will speak in place of Seth. See the 406th to 412th sessions for detailed material on the circumstances involving the personality we call Seth’s entity.

(Jane didn’t get the pyramid feeling in any strong way this evening, she said later. She sat upright in her rocker, hands clasped, head back somewhat, eyes usually closed; her lips began to form words silently, as is usual in these instances. When she began speaking the voice was high and distant, with little inflection, and as usual ended on a peculiar upbeat so that at times it was hard to detect the ending of a sentence, etc, Jane moved very little as she spoke; her glasses remained on. There was no greeting.)

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Seth, as you know him, is a medium through whom we speak, as Ruburt is a medium through whom Seth as you know him speaks. This is simplified, but basically an adequate explanation. (Pause. Jane’s upright, almost prim posture was unchanged.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(9:35. No break was called for. Instead after a long pause Jane coughed; she then began to come out of trance rather quickly. After she had blinked her way clear, she began to remember things to tell me.

(After the session began, she said, laughing, that she had the image of “a bunch of spooky-looking guys, looking through windows and windows and windows.” More seriously, Jane said she had the feeling during the delivery that Seth was helping the other personality to reach us—that the entity’s messages were like “handkerchiefs or clips of paper, that they had to be thrown out right in front of us or we wouldn’t see them.”

(Jane now recalled that just before she began speaking, she received the gently chiding thought—addressed to her from she knew not what source—that since “we” were going to so much trouble to get this material through to “you” [meaning Jane], that she shouldn’t be concerned about explaining it to others. That is, Jane shouldn’t worry about this. There was no disembodied internal voice speaking to Jane here; but a distinct thought, not angry or impatient, addressed to her in terms of “we” and “you.”

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(A note: at times Jane’s head would shift or vibrate slightly from side to side. moving rather rapidly perhaps only half an inch. After a few repetitions the head would then be still again. This has been noted a few times before when Seth’s entity speaks. I neglected to ask Jane if she was aware of this movement, but do not believe she is because she hasn’t mentioned it.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(10:00 PM. Jane’s head tilted; she stopped speaking, then nodded that she was coming out of trance, if slowly, when I finally spoke to her. Her eyes opened slowly.

(Jane thought this was another break, but it proved to be the end of the session. She said she feels “distant” when she comes out of trance when the entity speaks; she seems to have to travel back to her physical body, to warm it up. She goes someplace, and we wondered about some kind of projection being involved. With Seth, Jane said, it’s the opposite; Seth “comes in,” and there’s no doubt about it.

(With the entity, contrasted to Seth’s immediacy, Jane feels she travels but doesn’t know where she goes. She feels distant from the voice, “like signals are far away from my mouth that does the talking.”

(At no time during the session was there much of a pyramid effect. Jane said that as she left trance last time she got the feeling that “this personality felt that he was able to use some of my processes, that we were clicking together better, to get his ideas across.”

(Jane now felt somewhat better than she had before the session.

(I wondered aloud about a couple of points: What decides when Seth’s entity is going to speak? And whether the entity could help out in things like health. Jane then received: “Health is overall efficiency,” without knowing where this came from.

(At 10:20 Jane said she got a few bits and pieces of things, then said she thought the session was over—she “slid down.” She could say but little about what she had picked up: Since consciousness creates reality, reality is not independent of consciousness; but there was more here.

(Jane said she got up into the pyramid to some degree, but not high enough to make contact. Seth wasn’t involved in this, she said; she’d “know him in a minute.”

(“...something to the idea that knowledge was meaningless if it wasn’t applied to consciousness...” This was the last bit Jane could recall. )

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