1 result for (book:tes9 AND session:461 AND stemmed:seth AND stemmed:intuit)

TES9 Session 461 January 29, 1969 19/63 (30%) intellectually mistletoe superiority meaningful Tam
– The Early Sessions: Book 9 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 461 January 29, 1969 9:15 PM Wednesday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Before the session tonight Jane and I discussed the excellent manner in which Seth was able to relate to the various people who have witnessed sessions. This ability escaped us for some time, until we finally realized the various approaches used by Seth to make the material given meaningful to the very different personalities involved.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(“Good evening, Seth.”)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

There will be those who cannot understand. For them the material will not be watered down, and has not been. But it will be given in simpler terms. You need not worry about a Seth Reader. There will be one, and I will write it.

(Before the session I told Jane, half jokingly, that she should publish a Seth Reader, said volume to contain Seth material on many subjects, presented in a rather more simplified way.)

It will be written to the intuitions and the emotions, and so it will be done somewhat differently. Intuitive truths, as Ruburt should know, can also be revealed in other than highly intellectual ways. Some will intuitively understand the material far better than others who may grasp it intellectually but without emotional comprehension.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The attitude however could automatically make the material unavailable to many who need it, can understand it intuitively, and will use it well. There will be others, like Ruburt himself and like yourself, Joseph, who will be intrigued by those fuller developments and arguments given in the basic material. And upon these, again, the logical framework of the work will rest.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(A couple of days ago we began to collect the sessions given by Seth in Jane’s ESP class in a separate category. This work, just beginning, gave rise to the idea for a Seth Reader, etc.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(The phone rang at 9:35 and interrupted Seth’s delivery. Jane herself answered the call before I could do so. The call nicely pointed up the material for the session given above, re making it known to others, etc; the call was from a prospective ESP class member.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

It is from the bank of knowledge then that I can relate to others, and they realize intuitively that on such occasions I am not speaking down to them. Impediments do not get in my way, for I do not throw up impediments of that kind. I do not throw up distortions of my own making, and therefore misinterpret the reactions of others. When I speak to them I am thinking of them, and to some extent I can indeed enter into their psychological reality. Therefore I can phrase what I want to say in a way that is highly meaningful to them.

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

(Yesterday, Tuesday, Seth spoke over the telephone for the first time. The occasion took place during a call from Tam, in New York City, to Jane in Elmira, at about 9:30 PM, and lasted at the most perhaps five minutes.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Jane had requested that Seth communicate with her during a dream, and that she remember the dream. Next morning however she could only recall that such a dream had taken place; no details appeared.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Here Seth refers to preparations I am making to paint a larger, 3/4-length portrait. Jane has seen a pen and ink drawing I did recently, which is the basis for the painting.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Because if I tell you now the spontaneity could be interrupted. As it is you have no real conscious conception in any meaningful way of what I will tell you; and yet you are using intuitional and emotional depths that you have not allowed yourself to use before, and I will tell you, when you are finished, the reasons.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(“I will.” Meaning that as soon as I finished the painting I would be after Seth for the information. I felt that by insisting I could get the data now, but decided to wait.

(A note: After the session Jane told me that she knew what Seth was going to tell me when I had finished the painting under discussion. I asked Jane just how she knew this; was Seth telling me one thing, and Jane another; did Jane divine the information from Seth as he spoke through her, or what? We can learn more about this later; this is the first time we have been aware of information being given and received in just this manner, though it may have happened before. But as Seth told me about the painting Jane knew what he was to tell me.)

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

(“Good. Good night, Seth, and thank you.”

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(“Very good.” See the 458th session, when Seth dealt with his availability to us during sessions, etc.

(10:44. Jane left trance quickly. She said Seth could have continued for an hour, etc., in his excellent mood. His presence had been immediate this evening.

(As instructed, I gave myself suggestions for dream-projection recall, though I was tired. In the morning I was vexed to realize I had a memory of an experience involving Seth, but it was such that I couldn’t recall enough consciously to make notes.)

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