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TES9 Session 450 November 20, 1968 28/66 (42%) Pius Carl encyclopedia creaked guy
– The Early Sessions: Book 9 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 450 November 20, 1968 9:28 PM Wednesday.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(This session proved to be a continuance of the last session. See page 149-150 for an explanation of the circumstances surrounding the questions sent to Jane by Pat Norelli’s friend Roger.

(Once again Jane spoke on her own in delivering tonight’s data, and toward the end of this session we began to get glimmering of what was going on. A more personal and emotional atmosphere began to enter in that was revealing to us; in these situations Jane is learning control even while she is in trance.

(We would like to insert a note here to Roger, to the effect that we would like him to go over the two sessions and give us a detailed written summary of the data given through Jane, in answer to the mathematical questions he sent Jane. This applies whether the answers satisfy him, or make any kind of sense, or not. We want to insert the material into the record, there to take its place with all the other variety of material growing out of the sessions. Jane’s mathematical knowledge and vocabulary [and mine] is so limited that any valid [or invalid?] data obtained in trance by Jane, on this subject, is of interest to us; the more we learn about these two sessions, the easier it will be for us to interpret another facet of trance experience.

(This session was witnessed by Carl Watkins, of Odessa, New York. Carl studied math for two years in college; reading the first session, he said that the ideas presented by Jane in trance made sense to him; he cited some examples to us and worked out some figures, especially concerning quadrants, and drew some diagrams. This proved interesting to us and we understood it while Carl was speaking; later however because of our lack of background in math we found it difficult to recall what Carl had said.

(We sat waiting for the session as usual at 9 PM, expecting Seth to come through. Instead however Jane finally began to speak for herself again. Her eyes remained closed mostly; her voice was even and normal, pace fairly good with occasional long pauses.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane delivered this material with many a puzzled frown.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(“I don’t know if that means leaping back to the first equation or not,” Jane said. See page 149 for a copy of Roger’s questions.)

The magnitudes are overextended in your first version. (Pause.) Four has been underrated. (Then Jane said: “I have no idea what this means:” ) And 3 in the yellow column would lead to annihilation. (“I get something like disaster,” she said, “but I think it’s annihilation.”)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Do not work Euclidean violence. Be gentle in your manipulations. (Jane spelled out Euclidean. At break it developed that she did not consciously know about Euclid, the Greek mathematician and geometer.) Now I think this is, with the psi factor, too harsh or sudden; too hasty a movement here will knock 7 off balance. Now weigh your values. (Pause.) No known method can now disturb them. (Long pause.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Jane paused, then said: “I don’t know. Robby, I’ve got the image of something that looks like a spiral, the speed of light. Then the center is the vortex,” and Jane made a pointing gesture into the middle of the image she had been drawing in the air, eyes closed.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(9:53. Jane came out of trance easily. However she acted and looked, somewhat bleary. This sleepy effect was already more pronounced, I thought, than it had been at any time during the last session. She still had no real idea of the source of the material. The last phrase of her delivery, above, seemed to be a quote. See page 153 of the last session, concerning the old-fashioned little man Jane had seen in image form.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Jane gave me a punctuation here: “There’s a period after the minus side.”)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane paused again. Her voice was abruptly somewhat weaker, trailing off at times. She appeared to be making an effort to keep it going. More emotion was now apparent, as though a personality was inserting itself into the data that, so far, had been quite objective and evenly given.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane was making many facial expressions now, along with her uneven strength of the voice effects. Her features had a different cast also, especially around the mouth; the lips were compressed and stiff, the chin knotted, the brow furrowed. Some of the effect I thought was due to an effort at concentration; the rest seemed to be reflecting the presence of another personality.)

Cron... It’s a Latin word—crontonomous (my phonetic interpretation), as applied to the inner minus spectrum. J U R I N I S (spelled out in a much stronger voice), S T A V O (also spelled, though quieter), one one five one eleven. (The facial difference was now quite marked; Jane looked older.) The symbol to help you identify a sphere with lines like rays. Juris, Edinburgh, 1831 (much louder), 1872 (softer), died. Tormented with the aspects, with the problems of the unknown constant, and the fallacy, the fallacy (puzzled; shakes head almost vehemently), of... I don’t know ... Robby, I think its Democritus (my phonetic interpretation.)

Edinburgh, papers ... Ground rules expelled me. Then, I was before my time. The little man found my theories. The one mentioned earlier. (Jane now sat with her head back, eyes closed; the position seemed to make it more difficult for her to speak.) Untold miseries over the authorship. (Long pause.) Greek speculation, and renaissance—popular(long pause; faint words:) ... Mind is ... Let it be therefore known, fragments shatter under the handiwork of the 9th power, and values redistribute under the leadership of 7.

(I asked Jane now to repeat an unintelligible word. She said softly, first:) Deminaria (then louder: ) Tominaria (both my phonetic interpretations).

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(10:23. After a long pause Jane’s eyes began to try to open. It took her a long time to come out of trance; several minutes passed before her eyes stayed open.

(Jane said she had felt her facial expression change, as described; at this time the data began to change, she said, from the abstract into an emotional personality who was responsible for it. Thus one of our questions was answered, if vaguely. The personality seemed quite upset, and would have gone on to become very emotional and vehement if my wife had chosen to let it continue in that direction. But having a little experience by now, Jane said she knew when to withdraw from the raw emotional encounter while in trance, and did so.

(She now drew for Carl and me the illustration at the left.“This is the apple with a stem,” she said, “that the personality was trying to get across.” Jane said she didn’t have the vocabulary for it; it was something “he” knew he couldn’t get her to say.

(To our surprise, Seth now came through when the session resumed. The change in Jane was remarkable. She brightened at once. As Seth her voice was strong and on the loud side; eyes open often and very dark, pace good, smiling often. 10:37.)

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

(10:45, Jane left trance quickly, in comparison to last break. She said she felt good that she had heard from Seth.

(A curiosity: Carl Watkins said he felt there was a definite mass change in Jane when she was speaking as Seth. When she rocked back and forth as Seth, Carl said, the floor beneath the rocker creaked. But the floor did not creak when Jane rocked as herself after 10:45 PM. Carl said he carefully watched to make sure the chair had not been moved. Jane weighs 105. Carl weighs 188. He sat in the chair now, without shifting its position; when he rocked back and forth the floor creaked.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(We thought the session was now over but this was not the case. As the three of us discussed it Jane began to get more impressions on her own again. At 11:05 she began to speak in the same quiet and controlled trance manner she had used at the start of the session.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The name Sturgeon connected also with it, and Litargeous, this is as close as I can come with the name. It was popularly called “The conspiracy of numbers” under the auspices of the primature. (“I’m not positive of the name.” I thought Jane might be trying to get at imprimatur, meaning sanction or approval.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(At the end of the session Jane said she was getting Roman numerals here; then she had the impression that what she wanted was “2 digits this side of 8, which would make it Pius VI.”

(The data appears to be distorted, or Jane’s interpretation of it. Jane thought that if she followed through as she began with the Pius data she would have said Pius IX, but she didn’t do so.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(End at approximately 11:30. Jane said she quickly ended the flow of data because as she spoke she could feel the guy getting furious all over again at the mention of the encyclopedia; this following a growing anger fueled by the previous data. There was a strong emotional reaction growing, so Jane ended it.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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