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TES9 Session 449 November 18, 1968 37/73 (51%) integers Roger zero math minus
– The Early Sessions: Book 9 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 449 November 18, 1968 9:15 PM Monday

Displaying only most relevant fragments—original results reproduced too much of the copyrighted work.


[...] Jane spoke while in a trance state, but in her usual voice, and received the data from “another source.” [...] Jane is used to giving impressions on her own as well as through Seth, but there seemed to be an intriguing difference this evening. Jane would find herself speaking a few lines, then waiting for more to come, which she would then dutifully recite. [...]


(Needless to say, neither Jane or I know math; I may know a little more than Jane, but I couldn’t explain an integer to her at break this evening, for instance. A few phrases that came through in the data had a familiar ring to me, but Jane said they meant nothing to her.


(Since Jane looked at Roger’s list just before the usual session time we thought Seth might consider the questions. [...] Jane said she could not make any conscious attempt to answer the questions, since she couldn’t read the formulas. [...]


(We thought this data preliminary to the regular session, since Jane will get flashes like this sometimes just before Seth speaks. [...] Jane said she feels that some of the words she “gets” aren’t correct mathematically, like “assemblage of integers.”


(Jane doesn’t know what Bainbridge means, whether it is Roger’s mother’s maiden name, a place, or what. When the data stopped flowing Jane would just relax and wait for things to come through again. [...]


(Below is a copy of three questions sent to Jane by Roger Sullivan, a friend of Pat Norelli; both live in Boston. [...]


[...] I merely showed Jane the list shortly before 9 PM. [...]


(All of which is not to say that Jane and I haven’t encountered math in some form(s) in our daily lives, probably at times without being conscious of this. [...]


(Jane’s impressions are in Roman type, like Seth’s. While giving the data she was able to speak to me and describe her subjective state also, without breaking the thread of her reception.


(Shortly after looking at the questions again at 9:10 Jane closed her eyes.)

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