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TES9 Session 443 October 21 1968 24/71 (34%) ionosphere pyramid crew flight orbit
– The Early Sessions: Book 9 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 443 October 21 1968 9:13 PM Monday

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Before the session began I asked Jane to comment on two points made in the last session: The 442nd session was held on Monday, October 14. On Thursday, October 17, Jane unexpectedly received a royalty check from F. Fell re her ESP book; this after Seth had stated on page 107 that Jane would soon receive unexpected word regarding a book. The royalty check was expected later in the year. I wanted to know if this check represented the word referred to by Seth.

(I also wanted the latest word on the status of the auto accident probability data, involving Jane, and given on page 111 of the last session. Seth did not comment on either of these questions, as will be seen.

(Jane began speaking as Seth in a rather slow manner.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(Note that on page 107 of the 442nd session, Seth also predicted a considerable improvement soon in Jane’s physical condition. Jane has received her expected note from Harry Edwards in England, concerning absent healing, and in answer to Jane’s monthly report; therefore another letter soon from Edwards would be unusual.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(This was a surprise, and it took me a moment to realize that Seth was referring to his own larger personality, his entity as we call it, and for whom Jane has occasionally spoken in a much different voice. See Jane’s notes at the end of this session.

(I found myself wondering how it was possible for Jane to be speaking for Seth, while at the same time being aware of Seth’s entity. I was not sure if this is quite the same situation that has prevailed in the past when Jane has spoken for both Seth and his entity during the same session.)

[... 14 paragraphs ...]

(9:35. Jane’s trance was a good one but she came out of it easily enough after I spoke to her. She now told us that the other personality was about, and that she felt the pyramid effect to a mild degree. She whispered: “The other one is around here.” She began to sense the pyramid at break, after Seth had finished. We now explained something to John about the other personality, since he didn’t know anything about it.

(I thought the other personality, who is still nameless, would speak after break. Now after our talk Jane sat upright in the rocker, her eyes closed, head back, sitting quietly with her lips moving soundlessly as if experimenting, trying for just the right approach so that the other personality could make entry through her.

(Finally she began. As expected the voice was quite high, clearly enunciating, seemingly distant and sexless; quite removed from any emotional immediacy. Jane’s eyes remained closed. Her pace was rather fast comparatively. As usual this new voice ended sentences on an unexpected upbeat, so that often a sentence was finished and a new one begun while I was writing without appropriate punctuation; then I would go back and add it in the proper places.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(Jane’s voice trailed off. I thought this could be a typical unannounced break by the new personality; I was also ready to interrupt if I thought Jane was trying to get out of trance and having some difficulty.

(John and I waited. Two minutes passed. Jane sat with her head back, eyes closed, head nodding a little back and forth—an effect often noticed since last break. Jane coughed finally, and I began to speak to her. Then Seth came through, loud and clear; the suddenness startled us. The contrast between the two voices, the mannerisms, was marked.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(10:11. Jane then came out of trance shortly, without complications. She said she felt “tipped a little to the right,” during break, and a few times showed what I thought was a willingness to go back into trance. But she said her head was clear. She only vaguely sensed the pyramid.

(Jane said that with the new personality she was still not sure how to leave. In this instance she merely waited, then felt Seth, warm and emotional, sweep in to help her back. She said that some sounds could bother her while speaking for the other personality, and that if I touched her without preparation she’d feel as though she’d fall through space, yell out, etc.

(Jane felt the other personality would return this evening, and said she wanted to wait and let it build up, forming a kind of flue or open pathway so that she’d go up this easily to make contact. Otherwise she’d have to “fight” her way up to make contact. She doesn’t really know how she does make contact, or how she times it—the pyramid helps out here though.

(Jane now felt the pyramid again, so sat leaning back in the rocker. Her eyes closed, and her head began to nod, her lips moving soundlessly. Resume at 10:26, fast pace, high voice, etc.)

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(Approximately 10:35. Jane suddenly cried out and began to shake her head violently from side to side as she sat in her rocker. Her movements were so violent I feared she would tip over in the chair. John jumped up to steady her from her right. A glass of beer hit the floor. A second later I was at her left side, having to go around the coffee table to reach her.

(Jane’s eyes had been closed, and remained so. Oddly enough her glasses were on; nor did she lose them in the violent shaking. She was quiet now but it took some minutes before John and I could coax her out of trance. Needless to state the sudden end and reaction had been most startling to us. When her movements started I called loudly to her but did not get through.

(When she could finally talk Jane revealed that she had been experiencing a concept to accompany the personality’s words; this she has done before when speaking for Seth’s entity, and we have been told before that this is one of the reasons or purposes for her speaking for this new personality. But this one was a rough trip, Jane said. This experience, Jane said, “wasn’t great.”

(It wasn’t clear, Jane said, extremely difficult to put into words, but she found while speaking the appropriate lines that she was a giant, looking at John and me in the room, although her eyes were closed. She then experienced a tremendous feeling of growth. She felt her “organs growing,” along with John and me and everything in the room. Everything maintained its relative scale, but there was this enormous feeling of growth, as though each of us grew to the size of elephants, Jane said.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(I hoped this meant the end of the session, but after a while it was obvious that Jane wanted to continue, or at least was willing to, in spite of the upsetting experience. I tried to talk her out of it. Her eyes kept closing. Finally she decided to continue.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(10:55. Jane again resumed in the now familiar high and distant, very formal voice; eyes closed.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(11:02. Jane paused, and I spoke to her again. She said to me in a whisper: “Get me out of it.” I touched her shoulder and called her name a few times, as Seth once suggested I do, and she came out of the trance easily enough. This was the end of the session.

(Jane then said she had a bunch of concepts to tell us about, but didn’t want to experience them now, so she called to me. I had been speaking to her at each pause since last break, to give her something to hold on to. She said she didn’t know how or what she used to speak to me, but had hold of something. At one period Jane was going to shout “forget it” to the voice, but she couldn’t find her voice to do so.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane’s notes follow.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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