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TES9 Session 439 September 30, 1968 10/102 (10%) triangle company John messenger Philip
– The Early Sessions: Book 9 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 439 September 30, 1968 9:15 PM Monday

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

With Philip I see a triangle. One man is more prominent. I interpret this to mean that two men are involved beside Philip, and that one is more prominent or much stronger than the other. He is at the strong point of the triangle, and he would try to manipulate both Philip and the man. The other man is weaker than Philip in overall strength. Give us a moment with this.

[... 20 paragraphs ...]

(Speculating about a triangle in which he was involved, John said he could see where the weak point would be his immediate superior, his district manager in Rochester, and the strong point would be the regional manager in Long Island. John told us his district manager was offered the job of regional manager recently, but turned it down for various reasons; more money would have been involved also.

(The strong link would be a man named Stan, the regional manager at the triangle’s apex. Stan is against John’s promotion. John feels changes are in the wind.

(An the 402nd session of April 1, with John as witness, Seth had predicted a situation in which the district manager would turn down a promotion. Jane and I didn’t know the situation had come to pass until tonight. John told us of some other verifications from the 402nd session also.

[... 17 paragraphs ...]

You are not putting your full powers into this however, and may as well do so for you will regret it if you do not. This is the field in which you have decided to test your own capabilities and strength, so do so. The company is plastic. If I thought you might do otherwise then I would not give you this particular advice, but you have made your decision so you may as well throw all of your energy into it. You are an old feudal lord, and the company is your territory. (Humorous.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

There will be sidelines however as far as products are concerned, and you had better keep yourself well-informed. It would help you if you kept very well-informed concerning transplants, for there are advantages and possibilities open here in terms of drugs still to be discovered, within which your company may later become involved.

[... 25 paragraphs ...]

It is your religion (humorously) to transform an area of reality. Simply make sure that you use your abilities well. You cannot stay where you are, for you would not stand for it. (Pause.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

She will find social mobility to her liking. She will give you more support than you realize, and you need that family stability, for until that was satisfied you would not feel free enough to take on the task.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(John questioned Seth here about the triangles mentioned early in the data, and above. The exchange was too rapid to take down verbatim, and I so told John. He said he remembered the information Seth was giving him. It concerned the manner in which he would be advanced. John was concerned about where he would go to beyond the triangle, for at first glance he said he seemed to have nowhere to move to.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now you must be on your toes then, and you will be if you do not move ahead of time. For to do so would put you in an unfortunate line of competition for the vacant spot (on the triangle). It will be yours by right when you take it, while others are bickering, and you will be beyond it before they have ceased bickering.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

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