1 result for (book:tes9 AND session:438 AND stemmed:jane)

TES9 Session 438 September 23, 1968 11/56 (20%) Eve notime accident Helena rm
– The Early Sessions: Book 9 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 438 September 23, 1968 9:10 PM Monday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane had a call from Tam Mossman at Prentice-Hall today, during which we obtained some confirmation on points made by Seth in a recent session. There was also a strange similarity between some of the data given in the seance, by Jane, in the 435th session.

(During the seance, Jane rubbed first her left arm and then her right arm, saying they hurt. This was after she had gone through an auto accident; Seth has told us this accident is in reality two accidents, one involving B. Macdonnel in California, the other a future possible event involving Tam’s girl Eve, in or near New York City. In the seance Jane was not Eve, but the driver of the car in the accident; she was a woman, with Eve a passenger beside her.

(The seance-session, the 435th, was held on Wednesday, September 11, 1968. Mossman during his call today told Jane that his girl Eve broke her right arm over the past weekend, sometime during the 20th-22nd. Note the similarity re the arm problems.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(At 9:10 Jane again had “a slight pyramid feeling. But I think it’s Seth.” This sensation has become more and more common.)

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

(Jane leaned back in her rocker, eyes closed as she paused. Her pace hadn’t been fast up to now, but it became even slower.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(9:43. Jane slowly came out of trance. Her eyes were heavy and bleary; she said the trance had been a good one after the first few sentences. She yawned many times during break. Resume at 9:56.)

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

(Jane, as Seth, paused. Seth doesn’t allude very often to a subject in such a manner, so my curiosity was aroused. I knew Jane wasn’t at her best tonight, but thought it would be nice to get at least an inkling of what Seth was talking about. I was sure we’d be glad we did later.)

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

Ten-o-seven. (This is the way Jane pronounced 1007.)

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(10:23. Again Jane was very well dissociated, she said. She felt sorry because she wasn’t very energetic this evening; Seth could have continued in a very chatty and social way for hours.

(The data above on a third book for Jane was entirely unexpected by us, and unasked for. No one has given Jane a hint re any such third volume, etc.

(A few more notes from the Mossman phone call to Jane today: Tam told Jane the book on the Seth material was practically a certainty; that is, as certain as one can get until a contract is signed. He also said he had written to Ruth Montgomery, asking her to do the introduction; if she agreed this might mean RM. would make a trip here. Tam also mentioned a personality like Hans Holzer, if RM. was unavailable, the point being that Prentice-Hall would like a name to do the intro. Tam said he would like to visit us again before the holidays.)

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