1 result for (book:tes9 AND session:437 AND stemmed:time)

TES9 Session 437 September 18, 1968 17/59 (29%) notime painting blaring foreground segments
– The Early Sessions: Book 9 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 437 September 18, 1968 9:07 PM Wednesday

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

Now. You come out of notime into what you think of as time, and back to notime again.

In notime experiences are far more direct. Words in your terms are not needed to describe them. In notime is the energy that provides the basis for time as you presently experience it. All individuals and consciousness cooperatively form and sustain the frameworks that you know.

There is less differentiation, in your terms, in notime, but far more differentiation in terms of consciousness, and psychological experience. All probabilities have their reality in notime, and the creative accomplishments that take place within notime generate all the probable realities that will ever exist or have existed within the various time systems. In various dream states you do delve into notime, and it is of course here that you have your primary existence and the ground of your identity.

It therefore pervades your time system, which is only transposed upon it. (Pause.) Give me a moment, please. (One minute pause.)

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

When he does not use the pendulum it is obviously a symptom that there is something he does not want to face, and that for the time he will accept the symptoms. But that attitude, again, is a symptom of what still remains of inner confusion. Your supportive help is and has been far more important than you realize, and it is in all such relationships.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

When we are finished with the discussion we have begun (on time), there will be many dealing with the subject, not necessarily connected however with your own situation. Ruburt’s psychic climate has indeed changed for the better, but in periods of physical symptoms beyond his present norm, you can greatly assist in such a manner, for these are simply—or not so simply—miniature pitfalls. He gets out of them with much more rapidity, and they are not as deep but you can give him a boost. (Humorously.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

His own clairvoyant abilities have taken a leap forward. You, Joseph, at the least several times a week, should make an effort to embark upon more psychological time exercises, for your own abilities have also grown; but you have not realized it.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

You should be able to tune in, so to speak, on some future probable events, I believe in image form, after a few attempts. Do this as if you were starting out to paint a picture, requesting to see the images of certain persons at a given time or situation in the future, and let your abilities then fill in on the imaginative pattern. This procedure should suit you well.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

If a different picture entirely presents itself then by all means note it. In your case (underlined) the relative position of objects within the imaginary painting may possibly be important also, objects in the foreground perhaps being more immediate. Again in your case you may find a road symbol. That is you will quite possibly use perspective in these things, relating to time. The length of a road in such a painting, with you, may be connected to the period of time between you and the event you seek information about.

Another symbol you may find may be a jar or container. If it is filled the desired information or event may be close to you in time, getting more distant as the jar is less filled, you see.

Now these symbols I believe will crop up specifically for you on various occasions. For you, again, the vividness of a color may also denote position in time. It may have other connotations also. For example, say you request information concerning a letter. You see, as a painting perhaps, a bright red, yellow or even electric blue, envelope. This could denote a favorable and fairly immediate reply, particularly if the letter was seen in the foreground.

If it were small and in the background the favorable elements still apply, but put off some in time. If you saw a dull, gray-or-black-colored envelope, large and in the foreground, this would represent an unfortunate reply, fairly immediate. Further in the background a less immediate but still probably unfortunate reply.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now these symbols are those that I believe you will find suitable for you, and some of the information should help you interpret information received in psychological time. In these instances however you should have something particular in mind. Otherwise the time element can become confused.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(She also said the she could very plainly and definitely feel Seth probing into me in order to give just the right kind of information concerning practicing psy-time. Resume at 10:54.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Give us a moment. (Pause.) A circle with segments cut into it like a pie may also be used by you to signify time segments. You will have to work out your own interpretation here, for the whole circle will represent various amounts of time, according to what you require.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

A trick you may use, though you do not need it, when you want an idea for a new painting, is as follows. Pick a day in your future and simply request that you see that painting you will be working on at that time. Now we are involved with something rather tricky here, and I will explain the mechanics of it but not this evening. The picture of the painting should be available to you however. You can then use it in this present. If you are looking for a refreshing change, a lighthearted experiment, then imagine what painting you would paint if you were a particular other person, gifted with your own abilities.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

All of these suggestions tend to activate your creative and psychic abilities, and that is why I have given them to you together. Now unless you have questions I will end the session. I hope you look forward to some psychological time experiments of your own. I have given you a good manual. My heartiest wishes to you both, and good evening.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

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