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TES9 Session 434 September 6, 1968 25/74 (34%) monastery Tam Bordeaux intellect monk
– The Early Sessions: Book 9 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 434 September 6, 1968 8:55 PM Friday

[... 3 paragraphs ...]


[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Humorously:) The suspense is too much for me. I will be an anticlimax, and we cannot have that. Now... Good evening to you.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Much energy is indeed being directed outward. Within however there is a core of self-realization now beginning to gain strength, so that the amount of energy used inwardly will soon begin to match that expended outwardly. Too much was going (Jane gestured for emphasis) and not enough was coming in. You were getting enough from others. You were able to perceive and understand those connections, but you were not receiving needed communications from other layers of your own personality.

You sensed energy flowing outward and resented its flow, fearing to lose yourself. Now you are learning to utilize, receive and translate new energy from other layers of the self so that you will not feel depleted. (Pause.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

There has been in past existences, in your terms, some experience with what is termed occult knowledge, though it is not my term. The personality has been used to depending upon inner intuitions, and knew it had further abilities to develop now. But there was a laxness within, and a lack of inner concentration that in this life hampered earlier development.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

He had a tendency to hoard in these two lives. Now however there is the necessity to use those inner developments already worked for, to use them gladly and fully. He has already opened up the door, and he has already begun, but barely begun, to synthesize these inner and outer conditions.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Pause.) Now, you see that I am a friendly chap (smile), indeed an old dog with a long leash. Give us a moment. (Pause.)

A mystification. A sense of perplexed wonder. A member of a monastic group (Jane leaned forward) who classified and collected various kinds of seeds. Now, this group worked on manuscripts officially, so to speak, but our friend here and several others were bootleg seed finders, believing against generally held theories at the time that many questions concerning nature could be found by examining nature.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now give us a moment here. (Long pause, eyes closed.)

This was near Bordeaux, but by near Bordeaux I mean it was the largest city. Now the order had to do with St. John, and there was a crest either belonging to the order or belonging to our friend’s family: a four-tonged fork, with a serpent above the upper portion of the handle in the foreground, and in the background either a castle or a monastery.(Bordeaux, seaport SW France.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now. (Long pause at 9:36.) Death (pause), as you engaged in a skirmish. Three villagers were hunting, it seems, on monastery ground. The death was an accident. You yelled out to tell them that they trespassed, and tripped upon a rock. You were knocked unconscious, and the townspeople ran. You came to and wandered through fields at night on a far side of the monastery, and came to what seems to have been a body of water.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now, I suggest that you all indulge in some social pleasantries, and I shall listen. We will fill in our outline of past events as our time permits.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The later development was also connected with a monk. Now, you may take a break or end the session as you prefer.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now. Some time here: continue following the psychic trends.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now. Do not use the intellect like a shiny banner to wave from your windows. Instead use your intellect fully. You are playing with your intellect. It is a good one and you like it, but you are still not allowing yourself to use it fully. You are treating it as a fine and gaudy plaything that belongs to you, and you bring it out when the occasion seems suitable.

You wind it up like a fine toy, but you are careful of the directions in which you let it run. Now I am not saying, and do not mean, that you are narrow-minded in any way I am saying that your intellect is a fine one, but you have allowed yourself to be fascinated by its sparkling quality, and not used it thoroughly as a tool.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now by all conventional standards I should say to you: but for such a young man indeed, you have time to learn. (Smile.) You will learn, and are learning, but you have dealt also with this problem in different ways in other lives, so it is not so new to you. And because you have abilities both intellectual and intuitional, then also you have the responsibility to use them and understand them well. So your intellect should not be superficially enjoyed, but deeply used.

Now. There are several fields in which you would do well—and acting is one where you would speak as well as write the words, you see. (Pause.) You may be appalled, but you would do well as a salesman, connected with public relations and business; that is, some of your abilities would serve you well in these fields.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now. (Long pause.) I should say more to make my point clear on this matter of the intellect.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Now before the session brims over, into other allied matters, I will let you take a break or you may indeed end it if you prefer.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now. Give us a moment. (Pause.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

In the immediately-following life the three were sisters. The second girl, with whom you are now involved, has been four times a male, and in the past involved in business administration of various types and kinds; always as an administrator and one who gave orders.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

A relationship in this life can continue to develop along those terms, with some degree of success, but the issue is open. There are no reasons from the past that would more or less necessitate the relationship. If the relationship is not carried through, then with the probabilities as I see them now, another strong one will develop close to the end of three years from now, involving a woman with whom you will get along very well, although she was merely a third grand-nephew in the past.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I will not now go into a discussion concerning your father, since there are several matters here, and the relationship was a fairly long one. He was a singer at one time. At another, a man who dealt with moneylending, and who somehow made this into a creative endeavor.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now. (Smile.) I have made my friend Ruburt sit fairly quietly for some time, so out of the goodness of my heart and with consideration, I will now end our session; though I may indeed drop in a word now and then. I do not always speak when I am here. (To Tam:) You are doing well.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

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