1 result for (book:tes9 AND session:429 AND stemmed:our)
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(Jane and I had a discussion concerning the questions I have compiled to ask Seth, via our new system, before sessions, hence our getting started late. We wondered about how much time to allot to getting answers, etc., versus keeping up with the current theoretical data. )
[... 9 paragraphs ...]
Now the image analogy is in some respects distortive, but good enough for our present purposes. For as you think of the matter of your cells as only matter, then it is hard to follow our analogy. But when you realize that your own body cells are much more than physical, contain their own capsule comprehension, then you will see that they could, at least theoretically, operate in such a manner if you could throw your own consciousness into them, and perceive their seemingly alien experience.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
Time could be thought of as the tissues of the entity. These would be ever-changing. In our analogy, the projected image would seem to float, including ever-different stars and planets within its boundaries. Your own time structure would be very minute in this picture.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
(9:50. Jane had been in a good trance. Jane now said that she hadn’t been sure we could have a session tonight, as a result of our discussion beforehand. Note that the session didn’t begin until 9:27. This was not because the discussion had upset her, but because it had fired her up. She must be relaxed to begin a session. Resume at 10:01.)
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
(See page 5, the 422nd session of July 10, 1968. My original question, which Seth has been discussing ever since, was: “What does the new personality, the larger Seth, think of our time system? He must have experienced many different ones.”)
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
There are times when various circumstances are correct, and when these occur messages from your artist friend (Van Elver) come in very strongly, and often suddenly. On occasion the connection is far less than perfect, and there is a strain on his part and mine. So as a rule we automatically wait until our signals are clear.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
You must remember that the word, time, is itself distorted. It projects limitations upon other systems of reality that do not exist. We must use it for our explanations, but nontime comes far closest to the reality.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]