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TES9 Session 425 July 31, 1968 10/58 (17%) Boston stabbed Van warmth neurobiological
– The Early Sessions: Book 9 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 425 July 31, 1968 9:05 PM Wednesday

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

So also are all neurobiological structures that depend upon a time system, as for example your own nervous system.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

It is very difficult for them to understand your ideas of past, present and future. Now give us a moment. (No real pause.) In other dimensions, or if you prefer at other stages of development, the multidimensional personality is aware of its prime identity, and is also aware simultaneously of personality offshoots that it has sent into many realities, into probable systems, as it pursues all of the probable acts and creations inherent in its nature.

It goes without saying that these are not haphazard developments, and that in pursuing literally infinities of probable actions, the prime identity has definite purposes in mind. These purposes cannot be fully explained here, and I am not aware of all of them.

There is always a creative strain, in which consciousness attempts to express itself, and this has been explained earlier. The fact remains that All That Is is ever straining to be more. In all universes that we know, creativity and expansion are the rules.

All That Is is itself evolving. It is not aware of all of its own purposes, for some of these are ever new. In some respects therefore, there are no cut and dried answers. As far as your own system is concerned, I have told you that the past ever changes, and here we enter the realm of probabilities; for at any point in any man’s life, where a decision was made, the other probable alternative actions were also taken.

There is in all of this an order. It is an order that the inner self is to learn. It is intuitively known, but it must be realized. There are personalities far more developed than my own; there are personalities that operate in a context that even I would find extremely alien, but no particle of individuality is ever lost, and no experience.

You will be able to look back on this and other lives, and see them as wholes. You will also be able to see your own performance in probable universes, that coexist with these, and from all of these you will learn as you watch yourself in this variety of roles.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(Pause. Smile.) My big brother does not have to tune in, you see, at the time of the session. The session exists in all time. It is available to him when he wishes the information—and he has, or is, or will (smile), take advantage of it, you see.

Now he knows what I know, though some experiences that are uniquely mine, he can never know as I know them. When I know all he knows, then symbolically speaking I will be where he is—but then also symbolically speaking, he will be gone.

[... 24 paragraphs ...]

We will also have other remarks to make dealing generally with the sort of help I can give, and others like me can give—information to which Ruburt is now more receptive. The emotional warmth between you is of course the sign of rebirth, nourishing, for it will show in all your endeavors.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

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