1 result for (book:tes9 AND session:424 AND stemmed:our)
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
(At 8:55 as we sat for the session Jane got another flash, concerning time, that it is “intensely personal, that we create it,” from Seth. She thought Seth would speak on time this evening, in continuing answer to my question in the 422nd session; concerning the manner in which Seth’s larger entity appreciates our time system.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
We will divide our session into two parts.
[... 19 paragraphs ...]
The letter itself represents therefore an advancement and an act of faith. This is partially the result of our little conversation, of which he has the barest memory. In other words many of those conditions causing the symptoms are beginning to disintegrate.
Before our sessions began, can you imagine him asking for help from such quarters? He did not believe they existed.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
The initial poor reaction the morning following our little chat was simply the result of a temporary fear of letting go. It was of short duration, however. Ruburt did experience a sense of freedom in your hiking activities as a result, that was highly beneficial; and such activities are good for they increase his confidence. Of course, it was more difficult going down the hills—the significance of letting go is more apparent.
(Jane did do very well on our hiking trips. One mountain we climbed from the stream bed to its summit was several hundred feet high, and steep, etc.)
[... 1 paragraph ...]
The freedom will also show in our sessions, and rather obviously, within a very brief time. It is already apparent. To become aware of other individuals who are not within your system will be good for him. It will also help him to understand and appreciate my own unique reality, and this now-growing belief should result in a greater familiarity. He should be able to perceive me to some degree before too long.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
In his daily life however, as I have told him in the past, the yoga exercises should be continued. He agrees with me but then he lets them slide. They are psychic, spiritual and physical exercises that will let him handle energy more effectively, and release his abilities smoothly. As a part of his daily life they will facilitate the development of his abilities, and therefore help in our sessions.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
Spontaneity will rise up during the hours given to work, and outside those hours, but he must continue those habits upon which his well-being depends. The energy that will be released will show itself most beneficially, being directed into your other affairs. Our sessions will now be held with normal regularity, and very shortly I will begin my own book. I have been working on it, you see. (Amused and confidential.)
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
This had to do with our chat, that he recalls as a dream. It resulted in your mountain-tumbling, which was very important to him. Some rather important changes crystallized, which seems something of a contradiction, as far as his own thoughts were concerned. He hinted at this when he told you that he was concentrating upon recovery.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
(Just before we left on vacation on July 19, we received a copy of a letter from Dr. Bernard that he’d mailed to our publishers at Prentice-Hall.)
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
(Pause.) I do not have our friend directly. This is something like a mental message meant for me. (Pause.) There is some reaction with sepia, that can lead to an unpleasantly or undesired purpling effect.
[... 26 paragraphs ...]
I will have to check with our friend, and he is not at this moment available.
[... 11 paragraphs ...]