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TES9 Session 423 July 17, 1968 23/49 (47%) friction soundlessly primitive lips nodded
– The Early Sessions: Book 9 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 423 July 17, 1968 9:05 PM Wednesday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(The evening was very hot and humid; it had just rained. We sat for the session just in case. No session was held last Monday because it had been equally hot. Jane was exhausted.

(Jane thought Seth would speak if a session were held, but this did not prove to be the case. However at 8:55 Jane got flashes from Seth that perhaps Seth was educating other personalities on midplanes to contact personalities on our plane.

(Jane also experienced a brief projection just before 9 PM. We plan to go camping at Enfield Glen, near Ithaca, New York, next week. Next, she had an inner flash that “something good, by way of inner experience,” would happen to her while up there. She then seemed to project—she felt that she was hovering in the air over the Glen campground, which we know so well, and that she was looking down at the darkening green trees as they would appear at the present time—at about dusk.

(At 8:59 Jane said, “It’ll take a few minutes, but I can tell, it’s going to be all right,” meaning a session would be held. Seth’s entity spoke instead, though. Jane sat quite still for some few moments; when I noticed her seeming to grope for words, soundlessly moving her lips, I felt Seth’s entity would give the session. The air cooler was on, and the entity’s first words were hard to hear—I had to lean close. The voice gradually strengthened however.

(Once again the new personality’s voice was high and thin and clear and distant. As usual sentences were often ended on an upbeat. Jane began with eyes closed, many pauses.)

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

You become more noticeable. It is not as difficult to find you. (Long pause, head down. Jane’s lips moved over soundless words several times. She sat very still, fingers interlaced in her lap.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Pause. Jane sat quite still, eyes closed. Then she nodded several times. Her hands were still clasped. A minute passed.

(“All right, Jane?”

(Jane nodded, while I considered calling for a break, since it was now 9:30. Finally Jane opened her eyes and began to come out of trance, which had been deep. She discovered that she had to forcibly pull her hands apart, using considerable effort.

(Jane also experienced the now familiar cone or pyramid effect when the new personality chose to speak. See earlier sessions for descriptions of this. This effect rises above her head, vertically. Jane now described an effect of this evening in which she seemed to experience a horizontal projection, again of a triangular shape.

(This triangle had its point, she said, in back of her eyes, toward the back of her head, and radiated forward and outward. Jane said she had the feeling that “someone” other than Seth looked out through her eyes, not in the way Seth does. Her eyes had opened often during delivery, but I had noticed nothing different. Jane however was quite aware of a subjective difference, other than Seth, but couldn’t explain how she knew this.

(Jane said the new personality wasn’t as familiar with words as she herself is. Jane said she felt that Seth stood between her and the new personality to act as a translator in both directions. I speculated that Jane had to make more of an effort at translating.

(Jane was still somewhat groggy, she said, but alert. As she waited for the end of break she felt “different,” so we thought the new personality would resume. Jane sat upright in the rocker, leaning her head back, eyes closed, hands flat on her thighs. Her lips began to again form words soundlessly, slowly, keeping this effort up for at least two minutes.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Jane’s head now began to tip to her left; eyes closed.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Eyes closed, Jane began to slowly rotate her head.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane’s pace was now slow; again her head began to lean, then began a slow rotation.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Leaning forward in her rocker, eyes closed, Jane was now slowly moving her torso and head about. The voice however was growing weaker.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(Jane nodded that she was okay to my questions, but it took her a long time to fully leave trance. I had to keep after her, especially to open her eyes. She had left her glasses on for the delivery.

(Jane was very relaxed indeed. Her arms had fallen heavily over the arms of the rocker before the session ended. Jane said she had something to tell me, but had trouble concentrating. She sat on the divan beside me, and at 10:10 was practically asleep.

(Finally, Jane said that after break the personality couldn’t get her voice box going. Jane wasn’t afraid of anything being wrong with her throat physically. It was just that the personality had difficulty working the voice mechanism.

(When the personality mentioned Jane’s shoulder area, Jane said she felt pain there, but that it was clear now. Jane still felt very relaxed. She said that when her hands were mentioned, she had the feeling they were rising up of their own volition, or that they were capable of doing so. Actually they did not move that I could see.

(Jane again had the cone or pyramid effect after break.

(Note that this is the first time that Seth’s larger entity has spoken about personal matters. Jane said she used “they” in talking about Seth and his entity, then said that perhaps “there are more than the two of them.”)

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