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TES8 Session 417 June 17, 1968 12/55 (22%) stream refreshment Cayce emotional prospectus
– The Early Sessions: Book 8 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 417 June 17, 1968 9:10 PM Monday

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

The personal matters, questions, affairs of daily concern, that may be mentioned because Ruburt’s emotional image triggers their inclusion—these will always be used as examples to give you material that you would receive in any case.

With this method, the examples come from your own life. There will be an inner unity here, though you may not always perceive it. It makes no difference then which course you follow in that regard. Oftentimes however you do receive information that you may not have received ordinarily until a later date, simply because Ruburt’s emotional interest acts as a trigger.

You do direct the focus of the material in that, again, your emotional interests are important. They automatically reach out in certain directions. I respond to you as any personality responds and do not consider you simply as scribes, ready to write down my words of wisdom, regardless of your own interest.

The emotional basis does not limit the quality or extent of the. material, but adds to it. The information is carried along in the emotional stream. If there are small side-streams now and then, they always return to the larger one. If a few bits of debris go sailing merrily down the stream (humorously), the answer is not to cut off the stream but to recognize the difference between what the stream carries.

[... 21 paragraphs ...]

(To me:) Because you are so drawn to Ruburt, there is the struggle to actualize your emotions toward him in daily life. This of course superimposed on your early fear of emotionalism in this life. Part of your artistic impetus does come from this inhibited emotion, but fresh impetus is received when the emotion is allowed to go outward toward Ruburt; and through Ruburt, acting as a symbol to you, to the world at large.

In other words the repressed emotionalism will only carry you so far before you need to be refreshed in Ruburt’s reality; and through approaching his reality you also gain, in a different manner than you usually know it, refreshment from the natural world.

Now in many ways this applies to Ruburt also. The two of you seek refreshment together, then plunge into your inner realities. He is more emotionally attuned than you, in that it is easier for him, when coming out of his private world, to rush toward you with spontaneity. You are both equally dependent however, basically, on this necessary emotional refreshment. You both drink it in, and it sustains you for some period. It is used in your work, and in your joint work. It forms an inner framework of which you are sometimes aware. (Smile.) Without your feeling toward Ruburt and the resulting urge to emotionally actualize yourself to another personality, your background could have prevented even artistic development. (Pause.) Rather than serve as a springboard for creativity.

On the other hand your relationship teaches Ruburt to direct and mold his strong emotional feelings into meaningful, productive work. The creative strain therefore benefits you both. You should be alert however to the fact that emotional actualization in daily life is necessary, even though at times it will be much stronger than others, for the reasons given.

Because of your natures you will seek this, be refreshed, plunge into your work, and again seek refreshment. While this pattern shows rather contrasting elements you will find a natural pattern; and some emotional actualization must also be evident in daily life.

Ruburt’s emotional demands are a spur to your own development. Your resistance is a spur to his development. His need of you on the other hand also keeps him from plunging, as he did in his past life, too deeply and emotionally into other realities without the brakes that the intellect usually applies. (Amused.)

If the emotional actualization and refreshment is withdrawn for too long, he obviously will show the first signs of difficulty. You will also feel them, but he will be instantly aware of them, and show them.

He will feel rejected, as you know (pause), and this can lead to resentment. If your periods are not synchronized, these periods of which I have spoken, and you are not ready for this emotional actualization, and he is, then there can be also resentment of your part. (Pause.) The periods eventually synchronize and you should both attempt to realize the feelings of the other at such times.

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

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