1 result for (book:tes8 AND session:411 AND stemmed:person)
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
In larger terms knowledge cannot simply be given. It must be experienced. Although you do not find me as warmly personal as the Seth with whom (staring directly at me) you have been acquainted, I am a personality. The information is not coming to you out of nowhere. Knowledge does not exist in those terms.
(This material re personality follows our talk before the session.)
[... 1 paragraph ...]
A personality is needed or the information would appear highly chaotic, and you would not know how to unscramble it, even if you were able to receive it. This is rather important. We not only give you information and help interpret it or translate it for you, but we also add to it our own experience with it. (Pause.) Your Seth would say we unscramble it for you, and then serve it neatly on a supper platter.
(Jane smiled, eyes open often, while giving this data. The voice was also a bit more emphatic and fast; perhaps this passage to date reflects the most individuality shown by this personality.)
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
Now in your last session Ruburt was given a very primary experience. You asked what it was like to be a personality never formed into physical matter, and I helped him attain some awareness, subjectively, of that condition. He could not go far enough into that concept, but he was briefly between physical existences as you know them.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
(“You think of a trance as going deeper. In this it’s all going higher—the voice, the distance, etc. I didn’t get the pyramid tonight. I don’t know when I start. I just start.” Jane said that when the session began she had a tiny hint of first encountering Seth’s personality, and then of going beyond this to the other.
(Her pace had been faster this evening with the new voice, especially toward the break. We thought her between-worlds experience a very good sign, in that the new personality was already beginning to fulfill functions, to add new dimensions to the sessions. Before, we had wondered at the reasons for its appearance for it had seemed that Seth could have given the data as easily.
[... 44 paragraphs ...]
(“How are you going to help the ‘other’ personality experience our physical reality?”
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
Understand again that these divisions are arbitrary. We are part—independent portions—of the same personality, he and I. If you have no further questions I will leave you to your domestic quiet. Anytime you want me to liven your sessions up however I will do so. And I will be here often, as a matter of course, in our regular sessions.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(“Good night, Seth. Nice to hear from you.” 10:43. Jane left trance easily, saying Seth left an emotional feeling behind him. The other personality was gone at once. Jane had forgotten Seth’s data but remembered it when I mentioned it.)