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TES8 Session 411 May 15 1968 17/82 (21%) unscramble funny coordinates flighty viewpoint
– The Early Sessions: Book 8 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 411 May 15 1968 9:11 PM Wednesday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Notes: No session was held Monday, 5/13. Today Jane called Tam Mossman of Prentice-Hall, to discuss the prospectus for the Seth book suggested by Prentice-Hall.

(We sat ready for a session at 9 PM. Jane was still waiting by 9:10 for the session to begin; while feeling a little unsureness we were still confident that a session would be held. Notes later will explain the mechanisms involved.

(When Jane did begin to speak at 9:11, she used the same high, somewhat distant and quite precise voice as before, the one belonging to what we call, somewhat inaccurately, Seth’s entity. The voice is very clear, without much volume and many pauses, most of them short. One of its oddities is that a sentence often ends on an upbeat note, instead of the voice dropping at the end as is usual. This effect still fools me at times, for a sentence will have ended whereas I think Jane has only paused briefly in the midst of one.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(Jane smiled, eyes open often, while giving this data. The voice was also a bit more emphatic and fast; perhaps this passage to date reflects the most individuality shown by this personality.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Referred to here is Jane’s attempt to write the book, The Physical Universe as Idea Construction, which she struggled with a few weeks before these sessions began on December 2, 1963.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(True. Jane’s realization came last evening as she described the event to her ESP students. This was news to me, also, for she had not told me about it. She said that in between such events it is surprisingly easy to forget about them. Often a question or statement of mine, for instance, will remind her to tell me something. Note that in the last session, my notes contain no reference to Jane’s feeling that she was, however momentarily, between two worlds.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(9:30. Jane’s eyes stayed closed but she nodded that she was okay to my question, then came out of trance easily enough.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(“You think of a trance as going deeper. In this it’s all going higher—the voice, the distance, etc. I didn’t get the pyramid tonight. I don’t know when I start. I just start.” Jane said that when the session began she had a tiny hint of first encountering Seth’s personality, and then of going beyond this to the other.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane resumed at a slower rate at 9:45.)

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

(Pause. Eyes open, Jane gestured, smiled. Again, a flash here of more emotional involvement, as I observed earlier. Jane later said she too felt a more emotional “entrance,” though still much muted.)

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

(10:08. In a few moments Jane came out of trance and opened her eyes. She said she had been aware of the pyramid or cone effect since last break, and this included during delivery. When aware of this she always feels she is going up, through it, not that it is coming down to her. At least she isn’t aware of any coming-down feeling.

(Jane said that when “he” began talking about “my viewpoint,” she was really “up there” in the pyramid or cone. When I asked the question referring to the stronger Seth voice Jane felt somewhat bothered. The question, the interruption and the sound of my intruding voice, seemed to bother her and bring her down to another level, she said. Not greatly, but she did notice it. Nor do all questions bother her.

(The material following this break reflects matters we discussed during break. Once again Jane resumed in the new voice, with pauses, at 10:25.)

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(10:31—Jane sat quietly for a minute, then her eyes opened.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane said she didn’t know how to reach Seth “from that end,” meaning while in trance, although she has done so before. She said she’d have to take a break and get him from “here.”

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane said that when she speaks for Seth’s entity “it’s like I’m emptying myself out up there someplace,” and that when Seth speaks “he fills me up.” But in the first case she doesn’t know where she goes.

[... 19 paragraphs ...]

(“Good night, Seth. Nice to hear from you.” 10:43. Jane left trance easily, saying Seth left an emotional feeling behind him. The other personality was gone at once. Jane had forgotten Seth’s data but remembered it when I mentioned it.)

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