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TES8 Session 410 May 8, 1968 20/85 (24%) cone postulated alkaloids photograph drugs
– The Early Sessions: Book 8 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 410 May 8, 1968 9:05 PM Wednesday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Notes for what they are worth: The 410th session was due Monday, May 6, 1968. On that day Jane received a letter from Prentice-Hall, outlining plans for publishing the Seth material. After supper we discussed this. Jane drank two and a half quick beers, which affected her enough so that no session was held.

(At session time she sat waiting to see if a session would develop. None did, but she received brief notes from Seth: “You don’t have to worry about me drinking too much. I’m sick now from drinking what I did. Be comforting and put me to bed…. I can’t hold liquor. The problem will never arise. I drank too much and I can’t let Seth speak in his own voice, to answer my questions.” These Jane recited to me in her own voice.

(I thought excitement from receiving the letter had as much to do with Jane’s feelings, as the beer.

(As we waited for the session to begin tonight, Jane said she still wasn’t used to the new method, the new voice; she still waits for its beginning, then is okay once started. Now, the very definite Seth voice and personality are missed.

(Just before the session, Jane told me later, she was again aware of the cone affect, which she calls an obvious intellectual attempt to visualize the new as it is postulated in the sessions. As before, Jane felt the presence of the base of the cone at the top of her head; this is where she and I fit in. Just above us is Seth; above both is the new development that we have come to call Seth’s entity; this is the peak of the cone. Jane gets her data, she said, from this peak and it seems distant and relatively emotionless.

(Again tonight the voice was clear, somewhat distant, and higher pitched than Jane’s usual voice. The voice was not faint however, and if anything was a bit stronger tonight than previously. Many pauses in the beginning, and the pace increased considerably as the session progressed. Eyes closed at start; then opening often later.)

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

(Apropos of the above, I quote briefly from an article in the New York Times for May 9, 1968, written by Walter Sullivan and datelined May 8 from Cambridge, Massachusetts. However, Jane and I did not see the article until the day after tonight’s session; note that this session is held on the same day the article was published. A friend gives us the Times after he is through with it, the day after publication.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Physicists however will be forced to recognize that the energy within molecular structures has its origin elsewhere. (Jane was restless during this delivery, rubbing her face and hair.) They will be forced to postulate the existence of an unknown force, always existing despite newer current theories. No postulated new force theory will be able to explain reality.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(Jane’s delivery was faster and quite emphatic in here, in the new higher voice. Eyes open often. Now she took a long pause.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(9:36. Jane’s eyes opened almost at once, and she easily came out of trance. There was still an element of unsureness in it, she said, but her ease of operation under the new regime was obvious.

(Jane said she saw a photographic “size and shape” while she was speaking, but the visual data weren’t clear here. She was aware of traffic noises as she left trance, but felt good; she missed the “good rich” Seth voice and feeling however.

(We wondered why Seth’s entity chose to give this data, since it seemed Seth could have done so. We thought that probably it was in preparation for later events. Jane resumed in the same dispassionate, higher voice as before, at 9:45.)

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(10:03. Jane again came out of trance easily. The sudden break surprised us. At the last break and this one, I had felt that Jane’s delivery slowed down as break time approached, something like a spring unwinding. Not that energy wasn’t available behind the material, but that perhaps something got in the way of the delivery. Perhaps, still, the newness of this latest approach.

(Again, now, Seth came through to close out the session. His appearance was abrupt, although expected, and as usual was forthright, strong in comparison with that of his entity, and very emphatic and humorous. Jane’s eyes opened often and she was very animated. 10:14)

[... 23 paragraphs ...]

(Jane’s ESP students gave her flowers for her birthday on May 8..

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

(I asked the last question at 10:37, after a lengthy pause, to see if the session was over. Jane sat with her eyes closed, smiling. Well over a minute paused. I thought she was still in trance. She went through a variety of facial expressions, mostly smiling or quizzical, and changed her physical position several times. Two, then three minutes passed. Her eyes were still closed. I waited, wondering if something unusual might be taking place; ordinarily I would have ended the session. Now Jane looked puzzled. Four minutes.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(10:41—I called Jane’s name three times, and she came out of trance easily. “I’ll tell you what happened,” she said, “after I…” She rested briefly, then explained. When I asked the question about explaining a nonphysical life, Jane said she felt that Seth tried to switch to the other source or voice, after his own brief answer, so that we could get more data. As noted, a long pause followed here, but Jane subjectively was not aware of this. My next question, about the back, then threw her off, seeming to come instantly after the previous question, and she couldn’t make contact with Seth’s entity. Although she felt “up high.”

(The result here, Jane said, was that she wanted to end the session, but couldn’t get her own voice back, and “nobody helped her out.” This was when I sat waiting to see what developed. As it happened, I was about to end the session when Seth spoke again and suggested that we do so.

(Jane spoke more about the cone effect described at the start of the session. Jane had a feeling of great distance to the top of the cone as it reached above her head. She felt lines from the base of the cone, across the top of her head, reach up to the cone’s peak. At the same time she received from Seth’s entity the words “Our existence is Joy.”

(Jane also received “an inability to translate anything else.” This was difficult for her to explain, she said; as though “they” were trying as best they could to explain what they really meant, and all she ended up with was joy. Also “struggle” was involved. The cone effect was her attempt to receive this data. Mentally she asked for the data in another way, feeling as though she were in “dimension 8” —in between gears. She wasn’t worried but it was a weird state of consciousness. At the end of the session she was aware of a radio playing downstairs.)

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