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TES8 Session 408 April 29 1968 14/71 (20%) cone coordinates pure Pause structures
– The Early Sessions: Book 8 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 408 April 29 1968 9 PM Monday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Actually Jane sat with her eyes closed from 9 PM until 9:10, waiting to see if a session would develop. She wasn’t particularly in the mood, she said. She had been working hard on her projected book, and was also concerned because she hadn’t heard from either F. Fell or Prentice-Hall. The pendulum helped her out here this afternoon.

(Once again Jane began speaking in the light, pleasant, high but not falsetto voice, that we had been told represented the larger personality beyond, and encompassing, Seth. This voice is distinctly not the heavy and strong and amused or acerbic Seth voice. It is very well controlled, distinct, almost lilting, with a distant or formal quality.

(Jane seemed to speak for this personality, who is still nameless in our terms, quite easily. She used many pauses however, some of them long. Her eyes soon began to open, though they did not remain open for lengthy periods.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

What you call thinking is a dim shadow of true comprehension. (Pause. Jane lit a cigarette. Her voice, with its distant quality, was not faint however.) This involves being united with knowledge in a way you cannot now appreciate. This kind of comprehension automatically puts you out of self- (hyphen) structures as you think of them, but does not deny identity. Since you are very involved with self-structures as you think of them, then knowledge must be given in such a way that it affects the structure as you know it.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(9:33. Jane paused, eyes closed; then they opened easily, and she was out of trance. This was her easiest transition in some little while. As soon as she left trance she became aware of music playing in the apartment downstairs; before she hadn’t heard this.

(Once again Jane had felt the cone effect—not very strongly—mentioned in the last couple of sessions. She said it was like a cone or pyramid suspended above her head, and that as she went into trance she was to “align” herself directly beneath this cone, which is inverted. Jane then feels that pure knowledge is funneled down this cone toward her; that on the way it is changed, distorted out of shape so that finally she can put it into words. We wondered if Seth had been acting as translator.

(Jane now said that she felt the larger personality, speaking freely, might present its data in something like musical notes or tones, rather than words. We viewed this idea and the cone effect as Jane’s efforts to construct methods to explain the sessions’ data on levels close to consciousness.

(But, definitely, Seth’s voice hadn’t shown itself. When Jane resumed the same distant and gentle, higher voice returned as before. Pauses also, some long. 9:46.)

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(10:04. Once again Jane’s eyes opened after a pause. She appeared to have left trance as she talked, but then said: “If I came out so good, how come I’m still half under?” As before recently, Jane was partially in trance during break, but felt well. She remembered only the last sentence of the material before break.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

(Jane had been sitting relaxed on the couch. Now she leaned forward, eyes closed but with the familiar gestures and mannerisms of Seth.)

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

(Seth’s delivery was emphatic and quite immediate, with many gestures and no pauses. Jane had made the change from the first more distant personality, into Seth, without difficulty—very smoothly in fact. But I thought it a good idea not to continue this exchange too long.)

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

(“They can wait. I just wanted Jane to hear from you tonight so she can get an idea of what’s going on.)

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(10:52. After a brief pause with her eyes closed, Jane then came out of trance. She had no aftereffects or fatigue, etc.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane said that when “he” asked for a pause, in our time, while giving the data about coordinates, she thought that Seth might be called in to explain this material to us in our terms. She said she felt that “his” abstract idea behind or beyond the term coordinates, was far removed from our earthly experience.)

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