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TES8 Session 406 April 22 1968 20/59 (34%) cozily trance halt lethargy manifestation
– The Early Sessions: Book 8 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 406 April 22 1968 9:15 PM Monday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Shortly before the session I showed Jane copies I had made of material Seth gave very early in 1964—just after the sessions began; the nine Inner Senses, taking up nine typed pages, and the eleven Basic Laws of the Inner Universe, taking up seven typed pages.

(I did this because in the last session Seth said he would resume his discussion of theoretical material at any point we chose. I thought he could pick from this selection. Jane was tired this evening, and said, “If Seth can get anything out of me tonight he’ll be doing good.” She had been lethargic today, she said.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(Jane nodded, eyes closed.) For many reasons, most of which you have both discussed. He is somewhat in a state of shock, having been brought up short. He will quickly readjust however, for he now has faith in the new direction of his work. Now give us a moment.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Seth calls Jane “Ruburt” during trances, and also “he,” referring then to the sum of Jane’s reincarnations. The halt, above, refers to Jane’s laying aside the book for Doubleday for the moment, and her decision to begin work on a book on the Seth material itself.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Give us a moment. (Pause, eyes closed. Jane’s trance was now deeper, her delivery more emphatic and a little stronger.) We will want to deal overall with the nature of reality as it exists within your camouflage system, as it exists in other systems, and with the overall characteristics that pertain to it, regardless of any given manifestation. That is, certain characteristics belong to reality, regardless of the methods by which it brings itself forth.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Some of these I began to hint at in your basic laws. (Jane briefly picked up the material mentioned before the start of the session.) Since you are naturally interested in your own physical system, we will deal thoroughly with the methods by which reality turns itself into camouflage. Also, we will deal with other methods to be used by you, that will allow you to perceive more clearly the basic nature of reality (pause), in quotes “showing through” physical camouflage. (Smile.)

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

(9:57. Jane’s eyes stayed closed while she shook her head from side to side. Slowly her eyes cracked open. “He’s still going on,” she said. “The next line was to be: your current scientific and religious ideas of reality are like children’s tales.” This receiving of more data as she comes out of trance is a sign, a recent one, that Jane’s trance was deep.

(Jane’s voice had begun to strengthen more, her delivery becoming rather sharp and rapid. She said she had felt the energy, carrying her along, that has begun to reveal itself regularly. After break I could tell the trance was deeper and stronger yet. Resume at 10:10.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Ruburt’s range is an excellent one however, for the plane that I have my main existence within is far beyond those to which those in the physical system have access. You and he must see to it then (Jane pointed vigorously at me) that he does not color his experiences with me through reading material that ‘is highly camouflaged and distorted, even though the distortion is well-meaning.

(In the last session Seth named some books and authors that he preferred Jane avoid, calling them too “spiritualistic.”)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(By now Jane’s voice was more powerful, her delivery sure and rapid, her eyes open often; they were very dark. As she said later, it was along in here that she really began to experience a great surge of energy, sweeping her along.)

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

(10:33. Jane’s eyes were open and dark, and I had visions of her continuing to speak in trance while I competed in trying to bring her out of it. Nothing like this developed. As Seth recently suggested, I spoke her name aloud three times. Her eyes closed and her head began to nod. I repeated the procedure and thought I saw signs that Jane was leaving trance.

(As Seth also suggested, I touched her leg at the ankle, since she sat across from me at the coffee table with her feet upon it. This too helped. I continued speaking to her and touched her other ankle. This time Jane jumped, very nearly violently, her eyes closed. In a few moments she said the mere touch caused her reaction. By now she was consciously aware that something definitely unusual had been taking place, and the second touch conflicted here.

(Jane said, eyes closed, “I don’t know what to do now.” Her feeling was related, she now said, to the feeling she’d had all day, the lethargy, in a way she couldn’t explain. Yet apprehension wasn’t a part of it. She now felt chilly. I got her a glass of water.

(Jane said she knew that if I hadn’t closed her off she’d still be going; she still felt the energy surging within her. “It’s wild.” She found herself breathing deeply. She had an odd feeling of elephantiasis in her head, she said: “My ears feel like they’re out to here” —and she held up her hands a foot away from her ears. This is an effect both of us have noted occasionally before.

(Jane still felt the energy at 10:41. She said she felt that when she stood up she would shoot ahead through the wall—shoot straight ahead—she felt a great energy about her, and wondered about her physical control. Actually she moved about normally when she did get up. Yet her feet felt like lead, to her surprise, and she was surprised at the sheer physical movement.

(When the additional energy began to manifest itself after break, Jane said it seemed another channel opened up, a great energy. She felt it being transformed into words through her. It was the best feeling of its kind she’d ever had, “as though this energy was coming from a very distant place, or great depths,” yet she was aware of words as she spoke them. This appears to be in conflict with accounts we have read, wherein mediums have no awareness or memory of events in trance. Yet Jane’s trance was very obviously an excellent one. Now however, all Jane remembered was that the voice said she was reaching beyond the usual Seth personality.

(The energy sweeping her along was so strong, Jane said, that she now wondered how she would have ended the session had not the voice suggested this; but I could reassure her that from observation now I could tell when her trance was very deep, and knew enough now to end it when necessary. Jane said that tonight she was as “un-me” as she had ever been. In retrospect it was a bit frightening—there was a terrific sense of power and energy. She hadn’t been as “cozily Seth” as usual; less cozily a personality in our terms; but she also didn’t know who or what was responsible, aside from the great energy.

(Jane said the feeling involved—so vast—doesn’t show up very well in the transcript, but never before had she so definitely felt the source or impetus of the energy involved as being from someplace else, of its being “not me.”

(At 11:07 she still felt the energy, but it was slowly diminishing; although still strong. Jane feels the energy went through her yet left a residue, for she now felt much better than before the session. Again in retrospect, she said the episode was “slightly scary,” while agreeing that she had given inner permission for it to take place. She asked me to make these detailed notes for later reference.)

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