1 result for (book:tes8 AND session:405 AND stemmed:natur)

TES8 Session 405 April 18, 1968 3/82 (4%) touchy Montgomery quotes afraid spirit
– The Early Sessions: Book 8 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 405 April 18, 1968 9 PM Thursday

[... 66 paragraphs ...]

He need not fear his spontaneous self. It will not betray him. The arm symptoms still hanging on represent an inhibiting factor. Telepathy does exist, but existence has a far greater vitality than he supposes. People do have a natural defense. He does not need to watch his thoughts that (underlined) closely.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

He is reacting in an exaggerated manner to a truth—and the truth is that thoughts cause reality. He interprets this negatively (pause) because he is so afraid of hurting others. He takes it for granted that natural thought, left alone, will be destructive and hurt others.

But natural thought (underline natural) will be more positive than negative. Does this clear the matter?

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

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