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TES8 Session 403 March 16, 1968 3/114 (3%) Pat Reed Dick male godlike
– The Early Sessions: Book 8 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 403 March 16, 1968 8:30 PM Saturday

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

And good evening to our friend. I do have some remarks for you and I hope that they will be helpful. You must remember to hold your head up. You should know better than to cower when you come here. I have no whip; and I would not use one if I had one. You are not sure enough of your own abilities or of your own worth. You cannot drive through physical life in the same way that you drive your car down the highway. You shall indeed, get traffic tickets and of a different kind, only you yourself give yourself tickets. You cannot force reality to give you what you want. You cannot manipulate events for egotistical purposes. You can manipulate events and you can manipulate them for your own egotistical purposes; but when you do so, you give yourself a traffic ticket. You must want what is best for your own development and the development of others rather than specifically determining what you think consciously is better for you and then trying to force or coerce fate to get this for you. If you want what is best for your own development and what is best for the development of others, then you shall attain it. It shall come to you effortlessly. I am leading up to certain issues here. You are not always aware of what is best for you on a conscious level. Often the person that you think you want or need is not the person you want or need on other levels. When you drive your car you often attempt to speed through reality as quickly as you can, and you are pleased with yourself as the driver of the vehicle. You like driving because you feel that it gets you where you want to go and quickly, and you do not mind breaking a few small rules of the road in the process. Now the small rules that you break, are indeed, minute ones. It is not that you break a specific rule; it is the attitude that allows you to break the rule; and this applies to other roads beside the physical highway. You want to get to your destination too quickly. The destination is within you. You do not have to go any place to get that destination; and it is only when you think that that destination lies elsewhere that you allow yourself to go astray. Your identity is within you and do not look for it in others. This is perhaps the strongest point of my message to you this evening, the one I would have you take to heart. When you realize that your own identity is within you will not spend energy seeking to find yourself in others. Others cannot give you a sense of worth; this is your own. Any lack is your own lack. I may perhaps deal with more specific issues this evening. But I will not discuss them until these points have been made.

[... 80 paragraphs ...]

([Pat:] “Yes, I know. If he hasn’t got enough psychic energy to type the poems he hasn’t got enough to get them published either.”

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

([Rob:] “It gives you an idea how things can operate on a subconscious level. He feels beholden to his parents. His psychic energy has chosen this way, possibly, of establishing karma. It’s not an idea of punishment, it’s an idea of further spiritual development. In this life he has chosen to be a son to these people, in a way to be of service to them, to help others.”

[... 23 paragraphs ...]

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