1 result for (book:tes8 AND session:399 AND stemmed:close)
[... 36 paragraphs ...]
Now Ruburt is not speaking egotistically, for himself. This is not a superiority complex. (Long pause, eyes open.) The two of you from past development and association, were a fuse. Whether or not the spark was to be lit was up to you. It was lit, though Ruburt fearfully tried to close it down. (Pause.)
[... 14 paragraphs ...]
I will let our friend off and close our session. He will learn to operate within this new trance state quickly. His intuitive knowledge however will become a part of his present personality. (Jane gestured, amused.) He will not turn into me. This is one of his secret worries, you see. (Partial laugh.) He is not going to give up fun, and become a long-faced spiritual fogy. Even I am not that.
(10:28. Jane sat quietly, her eyes closed. When I finally realized the session was over I said good night to Seth. Her eyes remained closed for another minute or two, then opened very slowly. She said she felt very heavy-eyed and sleepy, and once again wasn’t sure just how to go about getting out of the session.
[... 1 paragraph ...]