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TES8 Session 399 March 13, 1968 25/55 (45%) sexual jointly scruples plastered pockets
– The Early Sessions: Book 8 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 399 March 13, 1968 9 PM Wednesday.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

I am here. Now. Ruburt just now wanted to tell you that he felt somewhat differently now immediately before sessions.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

He finally is more aware of my presence. I have a few remarks for you that should be gratifying. Your own lingering symptoms will disappear as Ruburt’s lingering symptoms disappear, and he has made great strides, as I think you must now, my dear friend, agree.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Smile.) Now the immediate effects of the cold cash will not then be in your pocket, but your pockets will always be filled. There is no distortion here.

I will want to continue along the present lines of our session discussions but you are ready, or Ruburt is, so that any information on reincarnation should come through very well now. It is simply a matter of getting to it, to the subject that is. Any questions concerning your own individual lives or historical information, we will do our best to deliver.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

You, Joseph, though I speak softly, should also now be aware that my presence here is stronger.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now you can indeed expect help from me when you request it. You can do so mentally and I will help you personally whether or not a session is involved. I will try to introduce into your mind when you request it, any particular information, or answer questions having to do with your development.

Now I have come through in Ruburt’s classes rather frequently of late, and this has been to his advantage. The students are helped when I speak to them through him. They in turn set up a supportive psychic atmosphere that adds to Ruburt’s well-being.

The book he is writing now is merely a beginning, and an excellent one, the act of faith from which other developments in your own psychic lives will grow. His writing ability has always been based on intuitive leaps. In fiction and poetry he allowed himself this intuitive freedom, but he was afraid to apply it to the real physical universe. This is why his most effective and publishable fiction was in the form of fantasy.

There were two worlds to him instead of one, and he would not apply his intuitions to physical life directly. Nevertheless he helped develop your inner freedom so that you could apply it to your painting. There will be changes to come in your own work, and you are now reaching toward them.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now, with new energy available and with many problems behind you, this possibility is very strong.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The relationship between you was a basis for this communication. Your own existence after your future deaths (smile) is of course dependent upon your actions now, but already you can be sure that I will be with you.

Now the degree to which you evolve spiritually depends upon your faith in our work. Yet I have not asked you, and never would, to go on faith alone, for I have given you, and will continue to give you, evidence of abilities that would not exist if you were merely physical creatures.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(9:30. Jane said that during break she was in a rather “half and half” world —half in trance, half not. She never used to be aware of such a feeling, she said; and during sessions now she is “just out.” She is much farther out than she used to be, she said, and feels now more and more like Seth and less like Jane. Nor does she have as many scruples about allowing the deeper trance state.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now because of your particular backgrounds, your overall development would come later rather than in your early years.

There are interchanges of energy within you constantly, as you know. Your personality per se changes in this life. It is never static. The components of Ruburt’s personality and of your own, Joseph, have changed since our sessions began. Now, Ruburt’s whole personality had to assimilate the knowledge that he was receiving, but this automatically changed the personality from what it was.

He literally could not operate until he assimilated these new experiences or denied them, in the main. Your encouragement was essential, and your support and encouragement is now. You are separate individuals and quite separate personalities, and you will continue to exist as separate identities. Nevertheless you are also part of other identities. And you two, you two form a gestalt, so that working together you have more knowledge, ability and information than you have separately.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now there are ways you are not using that will enable you to take advantage of that psychic and psychological gestalt formed by the two of you. Joint psychic endeavors should be very successful and help you both develop your abilities further. Joint creative endeavors will be very successful if you ever attempt them. You do not realize the extent to which your own intuitive abilities have been awakened by your contact with Ruburt. He does, I believe, realize how his have been collected together and directed because of his association with you.

Now that many psychological frictions between you have been eliminated, you will do well in any ventures that combine your talents. Joint attempts at projection, with practice, should be very successful. Ruburt’s experience in this would help you, and the knowledge that you were with him would tend to offset his own fears.

This may seem to have little to do with our discussion concerning experience after death, and yet it has; for as you feel yourselves change now and experience the various alterations in your own personalities, you will not be afraid of those changes after death.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now, underlined, I tell you that from our sessions changes will take place that will affect many. I could not tell you earlier because Ruburt’s abilities were being held back. They are still to be developed fully. The energy from our quiet sessions will however transform your lives, and through your works the lives of millions.

Now Ruburt is not speaking egotistically, for himself. This is not a superiority complex. (Long pause, eyes open.) The two of you from past development and association, were a fuse. Whether or not the spark was to be lit was up to you. It was lit, though Ruburt fearfully tried to close it down. (Pause.)

You will have a more active part to play as a teacher than you now suppose. (To me.) You will spend later years lecturing in various cities, and your own artwork will be fulfilled. Ruburt has still, without realizing it consciously, made his decision, and through him signs will be given and words spoken, and a movement begun that will outlive you both.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Ruburt sensed that he had a particular destiny since birth. In his own way he has tried to be true to this, but his own critical faculties threatened to disunite him. Now alone he would not have been able to proceed. And alone, Joseph, you would not have been able to proceed in the way your entity intended. (Pause.) Are you tired?

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now. I have another point to make, and it will seem to you a strange one. (Jane stood up and hunted for a cigarette while she spoke.) You live together as man and wife. You are sexually therefore attracted. This attraction is strong and a basis for daily behavior. It exists, is recognized, and a blessing. It is good.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Neither of you want physical issue, for the primary purpose now is to leave behind your work, paintings and writings, and my communications. These communications are not important because they are mine, nor because they come through you, but because they are messages from other dimensions, telling man of his own nature.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

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