1 result for (book:tes8 AND session:398 AND stemmed:bodi)
[... 37 paragraphs ...]
Personalities are not static things. Entities are eternal. (Eyes narrowed and dark.) They are not as nicely nor as neatly packaged out, one to a body, as your psychologists believe. They constantly change. They grow. They make decisions. They use the physical body fully, or they partially depart according to their own inner needs and development.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
Now all of this pertains to our main discussion, for the implications are plain. He, in the old-man body, enjoys the solitude that he always wanted. Your mother was originally the spark that made him relate at all to physical reality, and that is why he resented her, why he fought her, and why she could not respect him. He enjoys the luxury now of not reacting, in his terms. (Pause.)
There will be a joyous gathering together of his identity when the body dies. These are like the weaving together of mosaics, the weavings of the personality in and out, and no effect is meaningless nor without benefit. In this life you were meant to create, and teach. All creation is teaching. Your entity is older than your father’s. You and Ruburt and I have been connected many times. The gestalt, the conditions, have in the past been beneficial for us all.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]