1 result for (book:tes8 AND session:396 AND stemmed:was)
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
You do not suddenly become a spirit. You are one. Your training—for you are also involved, Joseph—your training has only begun. Without Ruburt’s acquiescence neither of you could go further. Your acquiescence has been given. His was given only recently. This permits us to use more energy for our purposes in our sessions.
I will give you theoretical material, and I hope that we shall implement it with our own demonstrations. The coming sessions will of necessity involve us thoroughly in the nature of human personality in its psychic electromagnetic properties. Reincarnation will, of course, enter in here, for you cannot separate it. I am more solidly here in our sessions now (smile, eyes open) than I was permitted to be in the past. It goes without saying that there is no other place in those terms, into which those who have survived physical death disappear.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
An individual who has survived physical death can if he wishes recreate any portion of his own past as it was. He can recreate any portion of his own past in any way he wishes, changing his own actions within it if he so chooses, combining and reforming the entire composition. Such a procedure is usually a dead-end enterprise. The others involved are vivid hallucinations, and he may not realize this.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
He does not realize his condition. When this momentary breakthrough does occur however, then someone with disciplined and developed abilities can explain the situation to him. He can then release himself. In such cases the break with physical reality was somehow incomplete at physical death. The stubborn spirit, usually impelled by still strong unfulfilled wishes, refuses to break contact.
[... 12 paragraphs ...]
(Long pause.) One point however. A continuity that Ruburt overlooks, having to do with his continuing interest in religious matters from the time of childhood, echoed in the poetry and in the science fiction. He was even then leaning toward our direction, by nature, ability and inner desire.
The psychic development was hardly as alien to him as he supposed. The workings of the personality led to the science fiction direction, and could have short circuited him, ending far before the inner goal was even glimpsed. Hence the difficulty after Rebellers. All elements of the personality were not united.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]