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TES8 Session 396 March 4, 1968 5/37 (14%) recreate hallucinatory misguided death training
– The Early Sessions: Book 8 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 396 March 4, 1968 9 PM Monday

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

You do not suddenly become a spirit. You are one. Your training—for you are also involved, Joseph—your training has only begun. Without Ruburt’s acquiescence neither of you could go further. Your acquiescence has been given. His was given only recently. This permits us to use more energy for our purposes in our sessions.

I will give you theoretical material, and I hope that we shall implement it with our own demonstrations. The coming sessions will of necessity involve us thoroughly in the nature of human personality in its psychic electromagnetic properties. Reincarnation will, of course, enter in here, for you cannot separate it. I am more solidly here in our sessions now (smile, eyes open) than I was permitted to be in the past. It goes without saying that there is no other place in those terms, into which those who have survived physical death disappear.

[... 21 paragraphs ...]

The material, the Seth material, will now serve as a cohesive binder in Ruburt’s classes. A very small but definite beginning has been made here. For our material will indeed spread. It will be published, but Ruburt will also work with it in the psychological workshop of the classes.

(Long pause.) One point however. A continuity that Ruburt overlooks, having to do with his continuing interest in religious matters from the time of childhood, echoed in the poetry and in the science fiction. He was even then leaning toward our direction, by nature, ability and inner desire.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

You may take your break or end the session. Our sessions will deal with the subject matter I have outlined. There will always be room for any questions at the end of the session, to be used also for personal remarks I feel helpful.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

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