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TES8 Session 395 February 26, 1968 6/80 (8%) muffled transposition Peggy breakthrough chin
– The Early Sessions: Book 8 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 395 February 26, 1968 9 PM Monday

[... 18 paragraphs ...]

(Smile.) We have managed to do fairly well without anything like his full acceptance. We shall indeed do much better now. This simply means that he has taken several giant steps, necessary ones. But these will make future giant steps easier. There has been a change in our sessions. His more relaxed inner attitude has given us more available energy. Which we hope to use in a variety of constructive ways.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

The strong energy that was being diverted was working to his disadvantage, and you have felt it as a burden and a drag. You should now begin to feel almost immediately the addition of this reclaimed energy as it works for you. I told you that the crisis would come in any case, regardless of the field of activity chosen by Ruburt, but in no other field or activity could victory mean so much, or open so many potentials.

Our own sessions should also show a depth that we have not reached before, and I believe that Ruburt will allow me greater freedoms. I am indeed with you rather strongly this evening. (Pause.) I am of course fully aware, already, that greater energy is available, and we shall use it well.

[... 21 paragraphs ...]

The smile and gestures are his. The trance state nevertheless is a deep one, but in this condition all of my energies can be used for other work, such as the gaining of clairvoyant material, as in the new work episode.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now, in this state I am also close to you, and yet there is a difference. The nervous system control… As you see there are large changes, and we are using our energy in a different manner and I can come through to you in this way myself in a more recognizable fashion.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

It would of course involve the transposition of an old nervous system pattern upon Ruburt’s, and using this method the transformation when perfected will be quite startling. (Pause. Head still far down.) Initially all of our energy would be used however in this manner, to make the transposition before any of my own personal characteristics could show in other than physical terms.

[... 14 paragraphs ...]

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