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TES8 Session 390 January 8, 1968 10/16 (62%) Blanche contact Anne unpleasant Baltimore
– The Early Sessions: Book 8 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 390 January 8, 1968 9 PM Monday

Displaying only most relevant fragments—original results reproduced too much of the copyrighted work.


(The session, Jane said, verged often on the unpleasant, as if Blanche had to go through her own last memories first in order to make contact, and we wondered whether a survival personality would want to do this very often. As I continued speaking, trying to help Jane get an emotional feeling of making contact without being engulfed by any strong or unpleasant emotion that Blanche might be reexperiencing, Jane began to whimper in a subdued way. I thought this reinforced the fact of contact, yet at the same time reassured Jane, by name, that she could do very well, and that Seth and I were with her as protectors.


[...] As though it were necessary almost for Blanche to go through the experience of being ill once again in order to make contact through Jane, and to even approach the death experience itself. At no time, Jane said, did she “see” Blanche, or feel disembodied herself; yet she felt at the same time that contact had been made. [...]


[...] As Seth mentioned in the last session, Jane decided this evening to try to contact a survival personality as a medium would ordinarily for interested observers or relatives.


[...] Jane then suggested that I speak to Seth, since I was used to doing so; her hope being that by going into trance on her own she might contact a survival personality—namely, Blanche Price.


[...] Jane and I wanted Seth’s assistance in contacting Blanche, without Seth himself speaking, for we thought this would make the session too much like the regular sessions. [...]


(I asked Jane, who said she felt no awareness of Seth about, to try contacting Blanche by feeling, if possible, rather than mere words. [...]


[...] I thought this meant Jane had established some kind of contact or feeling with Blanche, or the idea of Blanche, and she verified this later. [...]


[...] “This is Blanche,” was one of the first things she said, after I had deliberately called her Jane for reassurance, while thinking she had probably made contact with Blanche, and was somewhat unpleasantly involved in a sickroom episode.


[...] Again, Jane felt that in making contact, Blanche had to go through the last, and so unpleasant, stages of her physical life. [...]


[...] My own idea was for Jane to make emotional or feeling contact with Blanche, without whatever emotions she encountered becoming too intrusive and so interfering with any data we might get.

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