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TES8 Session 360 August 16, 1967 12/36 (33%) Fell Merle Burke August York
– The Early Sessions: Book 8 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 360 August 16, 1967 11 AM Wednesday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(The brief session was held in the office of Jane’s publisher, Frederick Fell, in New York City. On August 15, Jane had declined to appear on the Alan Burke TV show, WNEW-TV.

(This session was not planned. See the notes at the end of the session for material related to this. Jane spoke for Seth while facing Frederick Fell across his desk, but her eyes remained closed. Her voice was a bit stronger than usual, without reaching anything like the volume it is capable of; her pace a little faster, her manner active.)

Good day. Now. It has taken me some while before I could manage to get our friend Ruburt (Jane) here.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

A W L connection—now this is separate. (Pause.) Give us a moment. A connection with a woman with reddish hair. A gift purchased that seems to resemble an object made of very small matchstick-size pieces of material, not necessarily of wood. (Jane gestured.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Jane said she was fairly well “out.” F. Fell asked for clarification concerning Seth’s remark about helping “our friend arrange his business matters.” I said I thought Seth referred to Jane here.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(11:21. An exchange followed between Jane, F. Fell, and myself. F. Fell asked Jane if she would be willing to speak as Seth at, say, Town Hall, if he rented it. Jane said yes. She then resumed as Seth.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(11:26. Jane was again well “out.” F. Fell called the session “remarkable,” etc., and noted the charge in voice, personality, expression, etc., that took place in Jane when she spoke as Seth.

(Much more, of course, was said at the meeting between Jane, F. Fell and me, than is noted here. The meeting was cordial and the conditions right for Seth to come through. Jane said she doubted that any such contact with Seth could have been established on the Burke TV show.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Here are some notes concerning how precognitive material can be distorted, yet still bear a good resemblance in physical life to the original data. In the 358th session for August 2, 1967, Seth stated, after mentioning Jane’s speaking engagement at Star Island, off Portsmouth, NH, scheduled for Saturday, August 12: “A meeting on Ruburt’s part with an old forgotten acquaintance;” and “The possibility of an unusual Seth session.”

(Jane met no old acquaintances at Star Island or in Boston, nor was any unusual session held. On August 9, Wednesday, Jane was invited by telephone to appear on the Burke TV show in New York City. On the evening of August 15, Tuesday, Jane and I were having supper at an outdoor restaurant, The Californian, at 7th Avenue and Broadway in New York City. At 7:30 PM, we were approached by Merle Cratsley of Odessa, New York, an old friend.

(Merle did not know we were eating there, but did know we were in New York City, having been so informed by phone by his wife, with whom I work in Elmira. He had planned to be in the audience at the Alan Burke TV show August 16. Merle and his wife used to live in the apartment house we occupy in Elmira. They moved perhaps a year and a half ago, and Jane has seen him perhaps once since then. He is hardly forgotten however.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(The second part of the data concerning an unusual session, can be interpreted as applying to this session, the 360th, which took place in F. Fell’s office in New York City on August 16, the day after the Cratsley meeting. However, the next session, the 361st, was also quite unusual, and took place in the coffee shop of our hotel, the Paramount, at 235 West 46th Street. It was a different type of session, unique in Jane’s experience and was witnessed by myself and Raymond Van Over of the Parapsychology Foundation. See the accompanying notes for that session. It took place later the same day, August 16, as this session, the 360th.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

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