1 result for (book:tes8 AND session:358 AND stemmed:boston)
[... 10 paragraphs ...]
Now a moment please. The other situation, regarding your Boston friend.
(Recently our friend in Boston, Pat Norelli, had visited a female medium who told her that she was under the influence of an evil eye, and would never have a happy day as long as she lived. This alarmed Pat so that she phoned Jane long distance, asking for some information from Seth.)
[... 1 paragraph ...]
She is sincere, and sincerely deluded, a psychopathic personality who delights in arousing fear in others. (Pause.) And for our romantic Boston friend (smile), the following: at this time you are (smile) not wasting your time with your fine gentleman friend. No more should be read into that last sentence than I have given you, however, for I will not predict for you the outcome of the relationship.
[... 9 paragraphs ...]
Again, a moment please. (Pause.) An F S A (spelled) concerning the Boston affair. An afternoon gathering of 14 people, and a return engagement. A meeting on Ruburt’s part with an old forgotten acquaintance. The possibility of an unusual Seth session.
[... 37 paragraphs ...]
There are difficulties for Ruburt’s associate of last year at the center. (Nursery school. Long pause.) For Boston, a dinner for five, and a package will arrive.
(It is August 21 as I type these notes. As far as we can remember, no dinner for five worked out re the Boston trip. A package did arrive for Pat Norelli, containing her new glasses, however. Pat was most anxious to get these, and found them waiting at her Boston apartment upon our arrival there. Her first question of her roommate, after showing Jane and me our room, concerned the arrival of the glasses. The data are very general however.)
[... 9 paragraphs ...]