1 result for (book:tes8 AND session:340 AND stemmed:greek)
[... 28 paragraphs ...]
You may take a break and we shall continue. Aside here: (Jane’s eyes closed) Pat Norelli. These are impressions, and I will give them as they come. N-A-R. You had better separate those with dashes. A recorder or record player: in particular, three women and a man. Or one may be present, I do not know. A rug long and narrow, a front entry. An unbelievable story told. Patterns on a wall. Something to do with a Greek chorus, a missionary encounter, that is, having to do with a fervency, you see. M I C H. Down in the valley. Take your break.
[... 11 paragraphs ...]
(“The information Seth had concerning me is very interesting. It could have meaning, especially since I’m dating a Greek boy, and Seth mentions a Greek chorus. I’ll have to ask my date if the information means anything to him. The description of the long rug in a narrow front entry fits his apartment. It should be fascinating.”)