1 result for (book:tes8 AND heading:"rob pendulum q a june 12 1967" AND stemmed:jane)

TES8 Rob Pendulum Q&A June 12, 1967 9/24 (38%) tomato canned corn pendulum margarine
– The Early Sessions: Book 8 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Rob Pendulum Q&A June 12, 1967

(Below is a copy of the question-and-answer session I held with myself and the pendulum on the afternoon of June 12, 1967, today, in an effort to see what subconscious knowledge I might have that would benefit Jane.

(It will be remembered that Seth has mentioned allergies re Jane and food on occasion in a mild way. I thought a detailed report of what foods Jane should avoid would help alleviate her symptoms, if there was any relationship. My pendulum said there was. The answers I obtained did not vary and the pendulum gave definite yes-and-no answers, without quibbling. To me this meant there was legitimate data there.

(The list is a summary of three other pages of detailed notes, which are on file. To my surprise, when Jane checked the list with her own pendulum at about 8PM, before the session, she received definite answers that agreed with each item on my list. A qualification appeared only under the chocolate headings where Jane’s pendulum said she could use the dry malt mixes now in stores, as opposed to the regular old-time cocoa used in baking, hot chocolate, etc. I definitely did not expect such complete agreement on Jane’s part with my list.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(June 12, 1967. Summary of my pendulum question-and-answer session about Jane’s food allergies. According to the pendulum the answers obtained are not projections of my own problems.

(Jane should not eat:

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(Here, Jane’s pendulum said it was okay for her to use the dry malt mixes recently introduced in food stores, because these contained no emotional charge for her. But her pendulum stressed also that all other chocolate and products should be avoided.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

8) Jane shouldn’t use skimmed milk in coffee or on cereal. Can drink it.

9) Jane shouldn’t drink whole milk. Can use it in coffee or on cereal.

(At the moment, 7:30 PM on Monday, June 12, pendulum tells me the above list is complete and correct. Ordinarily these foods responsible for about 15 percent of any physical symptoms Jane may have, including sinus. Now when she is sensitized, they account for about 80 percent of physical symptoms. Energy is at present being diverted from the sinus condition to other physical symptoms. It is okay for Jane to take Rexall Plenamins [vitamins].)

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