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TES8 Forward by Rob Butts 1/19 (5%) Rick Laurel Volume Elmira Early
– The Early Sessions: Book 8 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Concerning the Private or “Deleted” Sessions

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For the most part over the six years and 510 sessions covered in The Early Sessions, from December 2, 1963 to January19, 1970, Jane spoke for Seth in her own creative yet also objective manner. A way that, although still very emotional at times, allowed us the freedom to encompass this most unusual and continuing adventure in as easy and conventional a manner as possible. Unusual? Yes. Surely her intuitively-chosen manner helped us acclimate to the highly original and creative fact that Jane was learning to speak in a dissociated (or trance) state for Seth, a disembodied worthy who called himself an “energy personality essence.” (I’ll bet that he still does, 16 of our time-bound years after Jane’s death!) Jane’s method was her very individualistic way of developing her great, yet consciously unsuspected powers.

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

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