
1 result for (book:tes8 AND heading:"esp class session februari 8 1968" AND stemmed:run)

TES8 ESP Class Session February 8, 1968 1/62 (2%) Lydia Kluft Indian Connie Arc
– The Early Sessions: Book 8 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session February 8, 1968 9:25 PM Thursday

[... 47 paragraphs ...]

M A N A U P (pause) A U L T the last name. A curia. (Pause.) Some connection here with the first historical personality whom we have run across. A very far distant connection to Joan of Arc, on the mystic’s father’s side, twice removed. And that name, approximately as given, in some records.

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

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