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TES7 Session 331 April 3, 1967 11/52 (21%) project form Lizzie dead mac
– The Early Sessions: Book 7 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 331 April 3, 1967 9 PM Monday

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

There are many portions of the self, as you know. They do assume a form that is visible within their own dimension. These portions of the self are all simultaneous; in various stages of consciousness you become aware of other portions of the self, and an I identifies itself with one or another of these.

When consciousness leaves the body, it identifies itself with one of these portions, and travels in its form. Each form, embodying certain identity characteristics, has its own environment. Its abilities allow it to operate in particular dimensions.

One form may indeed serve, and then consciousness may project out of it into a new form that is familiar with other dimensions. In Ruburt’s experience three different forms were used. He spoke, incidentally to his Father Trainor, and Lizzie Roohan together, while he was in the second form. He was then led by me into a further dimension of reality in which his third form was used. You must remember that all of these portions of the self exist at once, and that the whole inner self knows them as a part of its own identity. (Lizzie and her mother shared the two-family Saratoga, NY home with Jane and her mother.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

Since these selves exist simultaneously, it is then possible for consciousness to enter, or really form, such an image, undergo experiences within the characteristic pattern of reality, and then project to another image. In all cases consciousness forms the image. When consciousness changes, or travels at certain frequencies, it automatically changes its form. It is indeed possible to be involved with more than one form at once as in usual projection.

You can enter a trance state in any form, you see. The time element is important when you project from the physical image. It becomes less important the further away you get from the physical form. Since all of these selves are simultaneous, it is also possible to project yourself into one of your own previous identities.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(Hesitantly:) Que—a—mac… Quymire (phonetically) was one name. A teacher.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

Now when you leave one form for the other, it of course is in the trance state. This applies to other forms beside the physical. You may look back upon it and think it a dead image of yourself, you see. Some individuals in their first astral form see their physical bodies as dead images of themselves and become frightened.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

These various seemingly separate projecting selves are of course portions of the one. Now there are classes indeed where the newly dead are instructed. I used to teach some of these. We attended such a class last evening. The physical self as you know it, for physical purposes hardly needs to be concerned with these issues.

However that portion will not always be physically oriented, and so its consciousness does become aware of certain other realities. On one level your religions try to explain such matters.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Projection can occur then in those terms or directions also. This is however much more difficult, and of a different nature entirely. The consciousness that ordinarily projects in an out-of-body experience could not practically project into one atom. The realities are too different.

A kind of projection can occur, but never a full projection of this type. A fragment may project, you see, but one atom could not contain the full projecting consciousness of an adult human mind.

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

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