1 result for (book:tes7 AND session:329 AND stemmed:chase)
[... 13 paragraphs ...]
There is a strong and rather aggressive nature beneath the surface personality of the questioner, of which the questioner is frightened, to some extent therefore a divided self. The male is passive and of a submissive mind, and given to an obsession with overconsideration for security. He will always seek security, but he enjoys being the object of a chase of this nature.
The questioner is obviously the hunter. The questioner also enjoys the chase for the sake of a chase. It is the chase that is important to both personalities. The questioner deludes herself. The object of the chase is not the important point. The excitement involved in the chase is important, and the energy, the vital energy used is being directed away from its proper purpose.
The proper purpose should be the development of the self, and the development of abilities, and it is to elude this responsibility that the chase was originated. The excitement of the chase is being substituted for the excitement that is required and demanded by the questioner, and rightly so because of the questioner’s psychological makeup.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
There are definite reasons why the questioner chose the particular personality for this quest. An attempt was made to find a suitable substitute, you see, and a particular group of circumstances then seized upon, in order to initiate the proceedings. The questioner is subconsciously aware of those abilities that should be developed in her own personality, and attempts to project these outward into someone else. Then you see you search for the someone else, neatly labeled, but the capabilities and personality developments must be pursued within the self. You cannot chase after them and possess them by pretending they belong to someone else.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
Telepathically you were aware of the full nature of the male’s relationship with his mother. You chase him precisely because you were fairly certain you would not have him, for it was the search, again, that was important. It is a substitute for facing your own destiny. It is a counterfeit living pattern, and you are using it to avoid developing your full strength and stature as a personality.
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
Before a break. You have not been facing yourself and you are trying to substitute another for the part of yourself that you will not face. You have inner stability, but you are in danger of losing inner stability whenever you try to project this upon someone else. The excitement involved in this chase is something like the excitement you feel speaking to your good students. In the one case it is the wholesome and joyful result of the expenditure of psychic energy. In the other case it is the counterfeit expression. It is a turning away from and not going toward.
[... 24 paragraphs ...]