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TES7 Session 317 February 6, 1967 10/70 (14%) Healy Blanche Price Ann Miss
– The Early Sessions: Book 7 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 317 February 6, 1967 8:45 PM Monday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(The object for the 83rd envelope experiment was a note Jane wrote to me today; I found it on the table this noon upon returning from work, left there by Jane shortly after 11 AM. As usual I placed it between two pieces of cardboard, then sealed it in double envelopes. Jane wrote her note in red ink.

(Jane began speaking in trance in a very jovial mood, with her eyes wide open and very dark.)

[... 30 paragraphs ...]

The impending death also brought forth associations concerning Saratoga, you see. Miss Price was to some extent a substitute mother image indeed, and a rather dangerous one potentially, in any case, because of the confusion in sex identity. (Saratoga Springs, NY, is Jane’s hometown.)

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(At 9:47 Jane took the sealed envelopes from me for the 83rd experiment; her eyes were closed; she held it to her forehead in the usual horizontal position.)

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 9:58. I told Jane I hadn’t asked questions because I didn’t know whether the data were way off, or there were connections I didn’t understand.

(See the copy of the object on page 269. It consists of a note Jane wrote me late this morning, and left on the table for me to find upon coming home from work this noon. Jane herself left for work at about 11:30 AM at nursery school. The note used as object concerned work we had been doing with the pendulum recently, and which has also been discussed to some degree in recent sessions. I thought it would have strong emotional attachment for Jane.

(Jane received a telegram from Ann Healy on February 2, Thursday, informing her of the death of her college teacher friend, Blanche Price. Jane answered the wire this morning before writing me the note. The answer was by letter after unsuccessful attempts to telephone Ann Healy over the weekend. I thought that possibly the data had been displaced from Jane’s note to me, to the letter she wrote Anne. The two were closely connected in time, and both concerned highly charged events for Jane.

(There is also some factual connection in the displacement, since by using the pendulum recently we have learned of the rather important role Blanche played in some of Jane’s earlier associations; due to a complicated variety of events Jane has been bothered lately by some physical symptoms we are in the process of eliminating. These symptoms, and Blanche, as well as Jane’s mother and other contributing factors, are also discussed thoroughly in the next session.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

(Jane said she cannot remember Ann’s house, except that she recalls it as quite old. But she doesn’t know whether it is of brick or wood, for instance; she last saw it about 1952. She has a feeling the house is dark—dark woodwork, etc. She cannot remember the door.

(Jane said the house is in Baltimore, in an old highly built-up area, though not in the actual downtown city area.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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