1 result for (book:tes7 AND session:315 AND stemmed:met)
[... 18 paragraphs ...]
(John witnessed the 313th session on January 18,1967. He told us this evening when we met that he had been asked to run for county commissioner by the assistant district attorney of his hometown, Williamsport, PA, but did not tell us anything else particularly. John was asked to run since the 313th session, and has turned down the offer; it would involve a financial loss.
(The assistant district attorney is Clint Smith. John said that the senior partner in Smith’s law firm is named Murphy—hence the M initial. He is closer to the 47-year age limit, and has whitish hair. He is fuller in the face than Senator Dirksen, as Seth states. Murphy is also a Republican, as Dirksen is. John met Mr. Murphy just once, briefly, he states, and has no idea of the man’s position in politics, his influence, etc. It is possible that Murphy influenced Clint Smith.
[... 9 paragraphs ...]
Also he will meet a woman in this town, a woman he has met here before, and he should not encourage any relationship. She has been mentioned in our sessions before.
[... 12 paragraphs ...]
(The woman John might meet in this town would be June Fleming, whom John met some time ago at a bar called The Elms. He has not seen her for a long time, nor has he been to The Elms recently. John heard Seth’s voice in warning one time when with June Fleming, and heeded the caution. This material is on record in the sessions.
[... 65 paragraphs ...]