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TES7 Session 306 December 5, 1966 7/102 (7%) Wilbur stamp psychedelic Marilyn rectangle
– The Early Sessions: Book 7 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 306 December 5, 1966 9 PM Monday

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

As I have mentioned many times, at present you focus your attentions and consciousness within the physical system. This alone can be compared to what Leary calls imprinting. Existence within any system will necessitate some imprinting. The imprinting simply involves an adjustment whereby consciousness is attuned to a particular station, so to speak.

The consciousness so attuned however is only a small portion of the individual’s total consciousness. In your system it is now fashionable to refer to this as the ego. The psychological structures are indeed so imprinted. However they are also aware and conscious of huge portions of themselves that are not so imprinted. They are aware of themselves simultaneously as individuals imprinted so as to react within several systems.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

You are as a rule aware of one system only and not generally conscious of yourself as anything but a creature of that system. I refer here to humanity at this time. These psychological structures through value fulfillment, ever enlarge their abilities to form new realities and to act within them. It should not be forgotten that these environmental systems are directly created by those who dwell within them, and this includes your own.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Your idea of a god, in fact any concept held by humanity, represents at best a very small and insignificant idea, based upon the root assumptions of your own system. This does not mean such ideas are not legitimate as far as they go. Simply taking your own physical system and its physical universe, all intelligent life is simply not humanoid. Even in this limited conception of yours then, the concept of a human god is almost meaningless, and there are many other systems in which the word humanoid would have no real meaning at all.

This does not mean that the word indeed would have no meaning. Psychological frameworks and psychic gestalts form the basis for individual reality regardless of system. All of these do imply a whole, but the very term whole would again be meaningless if the whole, through self-conscious individual parts, were not conscious of itself.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

The psychedelic experience is a most fruitful one. Drugs are not a prerequisite however. In an experience without drugs, the ego loses its substantial quality momentarily. It remains however as a protection. In all our work we have been allowing the nonphysical self more and more freedom. We have been and we are expanding consciousness, and this consciousness includes the ego.

We are bringing the ego inward, so to speak. It is partaking of this consciousness expansion. In the past the ego has been overexaggerated. It has ruled the roost. This does not mean that the changing pendulum must now attempt to eliminate the ego. Any expansion of consciousness must also include this portion of the self.

[... 75 paragraphs ...]

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