1 result for (book:tes7 AND session:305 AND stemmed:form)
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Now, other planes and systems are as real and as unreal as your own. They are all formed from inner vitality, which is the basic or ground reality. Many other systems reflect inner reality more clearly, with less distortions, but the distortions themselves are creations. All systems are then formed mentally, including your own.
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Within your system expectation indeed forms your own physical environment. This does not mean that the rich, for example, have attained to spiritual status necessarily. The personal environment taken as a whole, with interpersonal relationships, is an indicator of the inner situation, however.
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Now, in one sense, all selves are projections of the whole or that which is. New universes such as your own constantly come into existence. Systems and planes far different develop and in turn form other systems. Infinity has meaning only in subjective and psychic terms. The physical brain cannot contain the idea of infinity.
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Now, “There is no place to go" if you know what is truly meant by that statement. It is also true that there are as many places to go as you wish to find. You always create the places and the destinations at which you arrive. There are no places, and there are infinities of places. The inner self forms all systems and all places. On the one hand you can indeed call them illusion. On the other hand, these illusions are quite real. They are the clothing over the basic reality.
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Basic reality cannot know itself without creating diversity. The diversity is the various forms that reality takes, the various systems within which it expresses itself through projecting itself into infinite individualized experience. Now that sentence is an important one.
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Now: This is a personal god, in your terms. It is a personal god because this god represents the part of that which is, which is yourself, you see. No one else can speak to this particular portion of this god. You are your own entity. The part of you that is formed from All That Is, is this god; is aware of all your needs because god is also, in this respect, yourself. Though hardly the self that you will recognize in a mirror.
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An energy gestalt maintains its individuality as a portion of All That Is. These are not impersonal energy forms. They are very highly individualized psychological entities. Their psychological development however is far different than any that you know.
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Now: One point here before we close. I would like to give some hint as to the psychological realities that form personality structures on higher levels than your own. These personalities are able to deepen value fulfillment amazingly through an expansion of consciousness that allows them to focus into many areas within the systems and planes simultaneously.
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