1 result for (book:tes7 AND session:304 AND stemmed:blank)

TES7 Session 304 November 28, 1966 1/103 (1%) list Bernards scramble package Tubbs
– The Early Sessions: Book 7 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 304 November 28, 1966 9 PM Monday

[... 65 paragraphs ...]

(See the tracing on page 189. The envelope object was a shopping list I made out with the intention of giving it to Jane earlier today, but did not do so. She never saw it before the test. It was written in a dark pen on white paper torn from a pad the same size, and was folded once before insertion into the double envelopes. The back was blank.

[... 36 paragraphs ...]

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