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TES7 Session 303 Elmira, New York November 26, 1966 13/115 (11%) Gene seminar Baba chasm deception
– The Early Sessions: Book 7 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 303 Elmira, New York November 26, 1966

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now good evening. You can hardly be in the middle because there is no beginning or end. I am pleased to meet you both. He (referring to Baba) is not who he says he is; nevertheless he speaks the truth. He is a part of who he says he is, as indeed I am. When you read our material, there will be one issue in particular on which you will not agree. You will later agree. I am coming in softly, you see. I am coming in very quietly indeed, so that I do not startle or frighten Ruburt. He is very easily startled.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I am speaking now for your convenience simply. There are four cornerstone personalities involved in your seminar. Now three of these personalities are yours: one is not yours. One is not “yours" in your terms as of this time. When you look up and recognize, you will accept that which you do not now recognize as yourself, as yourself. If you looked up now, you would not recognize the self that you will recognize. Because the Spacious Present exists as it is, the recognition has already been made. You have not yet caught up with it, you see. You are slowpokes. My friend Ruburt in many respects is also a slowpoke. The environment is not where you think it is. I refer to these seminars. The voice that does not “speak" in your terms is yours, but the instructor is not yourself as you know yourself. It is a self you do not as yet know in your terms.

Now I speak from several layers, though the word “speak" is a poor one, I turn myself, you see, into steps down which I walk and the steps represent what you would term personality fragments, though the term is distortive. I speak on a level that you can all understand. I have been to your seminar—not your seminar—but ones much like them in what you would term the past. I attend my own and I give my own. I am broken up into highly energized personality fragments of my own accord, you see. The breaking up itself is an illusion. Those who wish to learn will be found by others like me—individualized and equipped because of their own internal structures to communicate and to receive communications from them. You must have your own circuit through.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

It is extremely difficult to pinpoint an answer. For you the seminars are run by a self belonging to you that you do not yet know or recognize. For others the seminars are run by selves they do not yet recognize and yet the seminar is run by one and not many.

([Gene]: “And would it not be true to say that we are all running the same seminar for ourselves since we are all one?”)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

([Gene]: “Is it possible for one to be aware of the larger self, the universal self that exists apart from what I here and now call time?”)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

It is indeed. The separation process is illusion; nevertheless in this way a depth perception is achieved. You are all one self, but you are all individuals and no individuality is lost. There is no merging. There is no need for merging, since what you are already is a part of all else.

([Gene]: “Then is it right to respond to this man Baba in the following way—you and I are one and the only thing which keeps us apart is my not knowing that we are one?”)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

He is who he says he is and yet he is not. There is a deception. One might call it an honest deception there.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Not precisely. The deception of which I speak involves a distortion and emphasis applied too strongly—and a tragic one.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

You are all pieces, you see, of the whole; but you are not all the same pieces of the whole, but rather individualized pieces of the whole. You do not all fit together like a crossword puzzle that any idiot can put together. You are still highly individualized portions of the whole. You are the whole, but you are all highly unique. You fit into different portions of the whole. The self or structure or personality travels outward and inward and (if you will forgive me) in all directions. It is action. It constantly changes. Each self as you know it has its own abilities and inclinations and sympathies. It has its own particular place within the Pyramid Gestalt. It can contact that whole self which in your terms does not yet exist, but which is of course always present. In your search you must contact that whole portion of yourself toward which you are growing—toward which I hope you are growing. This is your individual circuit, so to speak. All ways are one way, but your way is your own way. And you can travel no other. He is—Baba—highly advanced indeed. He is a way, however; he is not the end. He is not completed. He is right, but he is wrong in taking pleasure in his rightness. (I have never been known for my own humility. It ill-behooves me to speak.) Nevertheless he who is and knows that he is, is. He has no need for words and he has no need to proclaim himself, for he speaks without the necessity for words and he is heard. Those who are really heard have no need for words. I speak to you now in words because without words now, there would not be the necessary understanding that must be reached before I can become wordless.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

These are impressions: two people in particular. (Am not sure here.) One older than the others—perhaps (now, perhaps) 48—some difficulty and misunderstandings connected with him. A “D" and an “H". The project can succeed if purity of intent is retained. There is someone I believe approximately 23 years old who would be dropped.

[... 65 paragraphs ...]

([Gene]: “May I try one more now?”)

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

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