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TES7 Session 302 November 21, 1966 2/101 (2%) Council election Skidmore article object
– The Early Sessions: Book 7 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 302 November 21, 1966 9 PM Monday

[... 60 paragraphs ...]

(See the rough copy of the envelope object on pages 168 and 169, and the notes on page 170. Seth did not return after the break, so Jane and I were left to make our own connections between the object and the data. In fact, we cut the session short because I was not feeling well. But we feel Jane did well.

[... 23 paragraphs ...]

(“Distant connection with a train.” We are not sure. If train means travel, the article on the front of the object mentions that one of the newly-elected council members, Frances Donahue, has returned to Skidmore after two years practice nursing in New York City.

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

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