1 result for (book:tes7 AND session:300 AND stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
They simply appear to be different. As a rule the ego is not aware of its departure from one physical organism and its growth into another. This is a projection. The years of growth, as I have told you, are illusion. Value fulfillment is the law of the universe, and it appears as growth within your system.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
Whenever you are attached in any way, whenever consciousness is attached to a physical organism, then inner data will be interpreted in physical terms. You can indeed learn to perceive reality in other terms, and you are both doing so.
You must still deal with physical reality, for it is definitely the representation of inner data. I have said this constantly: Expectation is behind all sense data, and forms it. I have told you—and incidentally my lovely skeptics I have told you in the past—that you create your own physical environment and universe. Your physical condition in every way is a reflection of your inner expectations, accomplishments, and failures, and I have told you that any illness is the result of an inner distortion.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
( The Power of Universal Mind, by Muriel Noyes Gillchrest. Parker Publishing Co. Inc., West Nyack, NY.)
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
There are points in that book which we have not yet discussed, for the ground has not been prepared sufficiently. Reincarnation and projection are as real and as difficult for the ego to grasp, as the nature of dreams. You can begin to understand the effect of dreams at least upon your daily life. Reincarnations and projections of which you are not consciously aware have an equal effect, a stronger effect, upon your daily existence.
[... 41 paragraphs ...]
(This procedure left me knowing only one thing about the object: that it came from some section of the New York Times, date unknown. Jane and I have often speculated on what part telepathy plays in the envelope experiments, since I usually am consciously aware of the object in detail. I thought the method used tonight might make ordinary telepathy harder to divine on Jane’s part. As it was we think the results were good; Seth evidently clairvoyantly read the object. If he got any help from me it was telepathy twice removed.
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
(“An impression I do not understand. Gubatorial, blue. Something in the vernacular.” This we regard as excellent data. Jane groped a bit on gubatorial, although I had no trouble putting down her pronouncement here. The data is made even clearer in answering the one question asked. The object features election day sales on both sides. Since the New York State elections, including that for the governorship, were due on November 9, it is apparent that Jane was trying for the word gubernatorial, with which she is not particularly familiar on a conscious level.
[... 58 paragraphs ...]