2 results for (book:tes7 AND session:294 AND stemmed:memori)
(On leaving Nassau October 31, we passed a memorial, though not a statue, dedicated to Sir Harry Oakes, who was murdered. This made a very big impression on us, because Peg has always been interested in the murder, and Peg and Bill asked questions about it of several people. [Discussion of the murder and the landmarks was one of the important parts of their trip.])
A memorial commemorating the beginning of a revolution or a war. The San Joseo is not correct exactly. San Juan?
A memorial commemorating the beginning of a revolution or a war. [...]
(On a few occasions in the past we have had instances where Seth insisted a certain sight, or object, was there for the seeing, at a location visited by one of our friends taking part in an experiment; the friend however, with no memory of whatever Seth happened to be talking about, simply could not verify Seth.)