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TES7 Session 294 October 17, 1966 19/59 (32%) statue Nassau San hill galleons
– The Early Sessions: Book 7 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 294 October 17, 1966 9 PM Monday

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Jane put in her second day as a substitute teacher today, and was obviously tired by session time. She wanted to hold the session. I suggested she demand plenty of energy, as Seth said she could do in the last session. Also, Jane’s hip and foot had bothered her a good deal, and she told me that she had not been consistent yet in demanding the energy available to her, and in channeling it upon her books as suggested by Seth.

(Jane began speaking in trance at a very slow pace; many of her pauses were relatively long; she sat with a hand raised to her closed eyes.)

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

A connection with M I C H, or Michigan. Have they met someone from there? A couple. Five people. (Pause. Jane spoke with many pauses.) A 4 7 5, or 1475. Bill of some kind, connected with an item.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

A hilltop with a cross on top. A building or part of a building where they stay now, where there is a long narrow section, a roof supported, a flat roof I believe, long and narrow, supported by posts with a floor not of wood. Perhaps of cement—but of a stone, definitely a stone (Jane gestured, eyes closed, as though trying to pin down her thought) or sand-colored stone floor.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 9:28. Jane was dissociated as usual. Her eyes had begun to open fairly often, and had been very dark. She said her tense hip already felt better.

(Jane had mental images of some of the above material and that to follow, and these will be summarized at the end of the session. We could only hope that on some of the specific details given by Seth, the Gallaghers had noticed also. I asked Jane if she thought it possible for her to be more specific about place names, initials, etc. in the data, since anything like this would help when we checked this material with the Gallaghers.

(We arrived at the idea of similes for some of the specific material, in case the idea of being exact scared Jane off, and she said she thought the “green cabaret” data might be a case in point.

(Jane’s pace had picked up somewhat as break approached, and she resumed in this new manner, though still with pauses, at 9:35.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

A missionary place. 1671, to do with scrolls. With a dungeon or somewhat dungeonlike area connected. In a north section, though not strictly due north, and perhaps 125 for a tour…. This is not the name but it is a connection: it is not the name: Abbe La Blanc. (Jane pronounced this haltingly, and Abbe La Blanc is my interpretation of what she said.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(Jane’s pace was now good, her eyes open often.) 1781 and a jail. 1842 and a museum. 1589 and an evacuation of people. A hole in terms of a structure, or the ruins of a structure. 1461 and a fountain with steps leading to it. (Seth rattled these dates off rapidly.) A circular formation (gesture) surrounded by flowers I believe, with closely-crowded, old, at least second-story structures to the left side of the street, or close to the street and nearly identical in rows.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Metal connected with the statue (pause) and it seems a modern street light very close nearby. (Pause.) Connected with this, very dim here: Concordiant. (Pause; my interpretation; her eyes closed, Jane attempted to write in the air with a finger the words she tried to pronounce.) De, I believe, seven—Savrantinos (halting pronunciation) I said concordi—Concordiat de Savrantino.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(“Yes.” The word galleon appeared to be strange to Jane.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now. This statue, with the row houses to the left and the street light: Following around the curve to the left, you run into a better-sectioned area, up a hill on a broad street now. (Pause, eyes closed. Later Jane was to say she was seeing this within, while yet being aware of still sitting in her chair.) Then the street curves again to the left, and beneath it are rocks—that is, a rocky ledge down to the sea, I believe.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(End at 10:06. Jane was well dissociated this last delivery. Her pace had been faster, her eyes open often. She said her hip felt much better. It is now Wednesday as I write this; yesterday Jane began putting Seth’s suggestions into effect; she was pleased to report no trouble yesterday or today, in contrast to her unhappy state of Monday, October 17. She is back at work on her dream book.

(Jane had some images while speaking in trance. She felt “really in” during the last delivery especially. While talking about the road going up the hill she saw it pretty well, she said, as though she were more there than here. However she was still aware that she sat in a rocking chair; she wasn’t floating along the road in Nassau, fully separated from her physical body.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(The building, a restaurant or whatever, at the foot of the hill was fairly American, she said, compared to the large white building at the top of the curving road and hill. The Gallaghers stayed beyond the large white building, and Jane had the impression that there the buildings were sparser.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(The closest Jane could come on the hill details, then, is that it was a longer and gradual incline rather than a short upright climb; and that it raised up perhaps the height of a one-story building in the course of its climb. The best we can say is that this geography sounds possible for those islands.

(Jane emphasized that she knows nothing of the history of the Caribbean islands, or their geography. I have a fair general knowledge, but know little about Nassau in detail, for instance. I am good at map reading, Jane very poor; if the place names were eliminated from a map of the Caribbean, Jane would be unable to fill them in, whereas I could do this easily. On the other hand Jane has an unerring sense of local direction, and mine is not very good.

(Jane said again that although she talked about the statue she never did see it for some reason. But she had images of the row houses behind or beside it. Jane pointed out also that one would expect such dates as she gave in connection with island history in the Caribbean, and that such things as dungeons, galleons, etc., would be involved. The interpretation of much of this data will also depend on what the Gallaghers remember.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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