1 result for (book:tes7 AND session:292 AND stemmed:our)
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(See the previous pages for tracings of the two envelope objects used in the 73rd experiment this evening. The beer can cap was enclosed within my folded note; the note was written on white paper in the same color ink used to make the tracings. Both items came from a gathering of friends at our apartment last Friday evening, October 7. The dark color on the end of the tab is carbon black from a candle flame. I did this deliberately on Friday evening during the gathering, in full view of everyone, for at that moment I decided to use this cap as the envelope object for the session tonight. Other details later.
[... 49 paragraphs ...]
(Jane had some images and these will be mentioned in place. This is a case where Jane had seen one of the two items making up the envelope objects very recently—the beer can cap, on Friday, October 7, three days ago. She had never seen my penned note bearing the date and identifying the brand of beer, Draft Beer. See pages 86-88 for tracings of the two envelope objects, and the beer can. I might add that Jane saw the beer can cap only in a casual way. There were quite a few lying about our living room Friday evening. Our candle was not lit until late that evening. When I picked up a cap to blacken in the flame I thought this would focus Jane’s conscious attention on this particular one, but she told me at break tonight that she hadn’t noticed my heating the cap, or else had forgotten it.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(Jane read aloud to the gathering an article in the November 1966 Fate Magazine titled Table Up! or How To Tilt a Table, by Georgia Mae Fields. This is an old children’s game, and we decided to try it with a card table. Our experiences of the evening involving this game enter into the envelope data, although neither of the envelope objects refer to it directly. This is often the case, the often innocuous envelope object reflecting whatever strong emotional charges surround it at the physical time Jane and Seth are trying to get back to.
(There are more details to our evening’s fun, and these will develop as we go through the data. Seth helped us out a little after break, but Jane and I made most connections on our own.
(“An advantage. Something to do with an advantage.” Jane read the article aloud to us, then Bill, Don and I tried tipping the table first. We sat at the south end of the table and made the vacant north end rise as we chanted away, per instructions in the article. What the three women didn’t know at the time was that the three of us were helping nature out a little, making the free end of the table rise by conscious physical pressure from our hands.
(We did this twice. In between the three women tried to do the same thing, and failed. Our knowledge that we were faking certainly gave us an advantage over them. More follows from this.
[... 10 paragraphs ...]
(“A scale of sorts.” Again, Jane said this referred either to the schedule of instructions given in the article on table tipping, or to our own working at the table last Friday evening; our rubbing our hands, chanting, etc.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(“Connection with a large city. This Minneapolis connection, I do not know to what it refers. Again, a capital letter impression, a large M. Minneapolis, Mississippi—that length of word, with a place description connected.” Jane said she was sure these long names beginning with an M reflected her attempts to come through with Milwaukee, rather than Minneapolis. She tied up the Milwaukee name to our having beer to drink at the gathering Friday evening: and of course a beer can furnished the metal object used in the experimental envelope. See page 88.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
(“The color red.” We cannot be sure. There could be many sources of red that Friday evening; for instance, the candle I used to deposit a coat of carbon black on the cap used as object, was a brilliant red; this was a large fat candle, and one we have used in previous experiments. We used it toward the close of the evening last Friday as an object upon which the six of us focused our attention. Half humorously, we attempted to increase the height of the candle flame by concentration, with no success. This was after we had finished the table tipping.
[... 44 paragraphs ...]
The data in our own experiments will progress with Ruburt’s confidence. He will learn to believe in himself and in me. Regardless of what you think I am, or am not, I have given evidence, surely, in all these sessions, of my own individuality, and evidence of my concern and feeling for you both.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]